I’d Rather Die


Every man must decide when to stand up and fight. Most people will not stand up: they have no faith, morality or character. Most importantly, they have no honor.

No man can argue that we have a government of the people, for the people and by the people. What does that leave us?

If I have no Sacred honor, I have nothing. I am nothing in the eyes of the Lord. What about you?

David DeGerolamo

video recommendation by Sandman

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Danny Roberts
Danny Roberts
10 years ago

David I am A 70 year old MARINE and have medical problems. Even now I would never leave someone behind in the fight to restore the US constitution for my Grand Son and family ,and (country. When it hits the fan ( and I hope it does not ) I will be there in the middle of it Danny PS Also I am working for COS article V here in NC

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
10 years ago
Reply to  Danny Roberts

Our Constitution of 1787 [which is our 2nd Constitution] delegates only 21 powers to the fed government over the Country at large. Most of those powers are listed -- enumerated -- at Art. I, Sec. 8, clauses 1-16.

But the fed gov’t -- with the connivance of the States -- has usurped thousands of powers not delegated.

So explain to us, if you can, how an amendment can “limit the power and jurisdiction of the fed gov’t” when the Constitution already limits its powers to the 21 powers listed in the Constitution.

There is a hidden agenda behind COS’ agitations for a convention: There is one thing which can be done at a convention which can’t be done in any other way. Do YOU know what it is? If you knew what it was, I suspect you would not be supporting COS’s efforts.

10 years ago
Reply to  Publius Huldah

P H……….I would like to know the one thing which can be done at a convention.

Tom Angle
10 years ago
Reply to  Danny Roberts

What good does more amendments do? The Constitution is trampled now to the point of almost non-existence. What is needed is for men to demand that the Constitution be followed or else. Until that happens, more amendments are just empty words.

10 years ago

Waiting for the return of Lon Horiuchi at this point… dividends in lies and tyranny have done nothing but skyrocket since the Clinton administration protected him and his squad of assassins from the consequences of their murderous conduct at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Lon himself was put under “government protection”, given a new identity, and was living and working in the Philippines, where he continued his employment with the US Federal Government as a trainer of US and other nations “special forces” troops, as well as SWAT/Anti-terrorism teams from various agencies.
Anyone who thinks there are limits to the arrogance of those in the federal employ as enforcers and assassins need look no further than Lon Horiuchi for proof that they are wrong. I have many times heard it attributed to Horiuchi that he was fond of saying, “I am really good at killing my country’s enemies” -- this coming from an FBI Sniper, should remove all doubt on what their attitude was 25 years ago, and it has only gotten worse.