With a “good old boy” southern accent and a cheerily named organization, the head of the “Hershey’s for Heroes” organization has been disseminating anti-Islamic and Evangelical Christian sentiments on a regular basis to soldiers on IDF bases, apparently with the army’s sanction.
h/t Watcher
“Mohammed was a blood thirsty, child-raping, self appointed false prophet, and the koran is a lie…”
“There is no allah.”
Incorrect. allah is, in point of fact, either: Satan, or alternately, one of Satan’s most powerful demons. There is no other possible explanation.
Else how did a small cult of second-rate businessmen, lead by a psychotic pederast with no military experience, rise by militant and violent extremism to the absolute control of Medina, Mecca, and the rest of the Arabian peninsula, all within Mohammad’s lifetime?
Certainly, they had supernatural assistance in accomplishing such a fantastic feat; and if that assistance was not of God, then there is only one other agency to whom we can attribute it.
Thus, all of islam is but Satans Army upon earth,
and must be dealt with accordingly.