If Noah’s Ark Happened in 2022

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yep, just as in the days of Noah, we are mired in quicksand and there in nothing stopping our descent. They are bringing the military option to bare, the new NDAA bill has it hidden in its slimy pages, which will give obiden full control of the military, with no congressional oversight, dictatorship and our death.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Cant wait. Bring it!!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Hhh

Yes, I wish they would, I am ready!!!!

2 years ago

I heard a sermon on Compassdotorg. About how because of the fallen angels coming down to earth and having sex with the daughters of men polluted the genetics of mankind except of course Noahs family . Similar to the time we are in whereby we have polluted our DNA with the MRNA VAX. He will be wrapping things up again soon just as in the days of Noah.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Buckeyebob

Common sense cannot be ignored when understanding and teaching the scriptures. We all know what it takes for a woman to get pregnant. A spirit being doesn’t have a you know what. Flesh is flesh, spirit is spirit, [John 3:6.]
Satan has seed, [John 8:44.] Those men were born of the seed of the serpent. It is a freewill choice to sell out to the evil one. They had sex with the women.
The true God has incorruptible seed, [1Peter 1:23], when you get born again, [Romans 10:9,10.] The fallen angels cannot be seen, they are spirit and cannot cohabit with humans.

Nathan Lahue
Nathan Lahue
2 years ago
Reply to  Buckeyebob

I’ve study such and your source is correct. Steve Quayle has studied his life about the Gen 6 Giants. Book of Enoch, Book of Jasper, Book of Jubilees all say what the Bible says, which is fallen angels forcefully took (raped) the daughters of man and gave birth to 6 fingers six toes double set row of teeth with a blood thirst for mankind.

Noah and his family were “tamyin” (hebrew word for physically”perfect” (no fallen DNA). That is why God spared Noah and his family to start the human race over. Angels have corporeal bodies, whereas demons seek to inhabit such.