If Only…

If only President Trump would bring our troops home and return the country to the principles of our founding fathers concerning foreign entanglements.

David DeGerolamo

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6 years ago

David: You bring up the concept of following the Constitution and I assume the Bill of Rights. I do not profess to be a great thinker. However, I hasten to say that a country without a plan is a country on a path to failure. Our elected officials have basically placed our founding plan, the Constitution and Bill of Rights in a draw. The same group has not made “we the people” privy to the plan they intend to execute or are following. As history has recorded, only a Representative Republic has given all the people freedom of choice. All other forms of governance have taken away freedom of choice. I can only conclude we as a country are headed down a path of failure unless we take up the original plan our founding fathers have drafted for us. If we are able to get back to something that resembles the old Representative Republic we can then take up amending and addressing modifications that may be needed for advances in technology. Perhaps this is a pipe dream and naive or we have already gone to far down the path of progressive socialism. I don’t think the fat lady has sung on this issue yet.