If Only We Had Their Determination

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Following members of ISIS on their social media accounts is a wealth of great information.  It’s been a worthwhile effort to see some of the propaganda they’ve been churning out.  These Daeshbags* who rape and pillage deserve to die, but I have to admire their dedication to their mission.

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I can only pray that Patriots in America have this kind of determination to restore Liberty, just as soon as we realize that being fat, comfortable, and happy is killing us and our way of life.



I can only pray that Patriots in America have this kind of determination to restore Liberty, just as soon as we realize that being fat, comfortable, and happy is killing us and our way of life.

I believe the correct tense is the past tense:

I can only pray that Patriots in America have this kind of determination to restore Liberty, just as soon as we realize that being fat, comfortable, and happy has killed us and our way of life.

David DeGerolamo

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