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- Balanced Rock on I’ll Take Your Recession
- Balanced Rock on All We Have to Decide Is…
- foot in the forest on I’ll Take Your Recession
- Rick1234 on All We Have to Decide Is…
- Rick1234 on All We Have to Decide Is…
They have created a dystopian nightmare, the country we once knew is a hell on earth. Can you say women are not the only birthing ones, men can menstruate, what kind of evil is this? We allow are children to be taught this filth, God will not hold us unaccountable for these sins. The trampers think their hero will change all of this, they don’t want to do anything but vote, TINVOWOOT.
It is my hope that the 2022 sElections “Tell the Tale”. “2020 Fool me once shame on you. 2022 Fool me twice shame on me.” is possibly the thinking of some/many? Perhaps “the long train of abuses” threshold will be reached.
The 2022 sElections offer no respite, imo,btw. 1 if they don’t occur at all or 2. are stolen again, then it’s evident to more of the fence sitters to stand up. Or 3. “won” by the Quisling Repubs, who then Do their “Just Wait until 2024 Routine”, “we need the potus to Do Anything.” would be the worst, as the fence sitters will continue to Sit.
1775 was the reaction of “Domestic Terrorists” to a Community’s weapons being seized by the Tyrannical British Authorities. So Magnitude of the Tyranny in a Minimal Area is a factor, as in the Bundy Ranch standoff.
Economic Disaster will be the ignition even if nothing else triggers a response. It is going to get much, much worse,”even Here”, clutching the pearls..
I follow Michael Yon for current info, a Green Beret Vet, long time Afghan War Correspondent, now in Netherlands, has been in TX and Panama recently on Invasion of US. (and Panama Economic Food Disaster)
sElections! EXACTLY, i like that
The regimes new ATF director is a rabid anti-gun nut, he may push it over the edge. Another 1775 is coming, no doubt about it.
tom, with the proposed legislation in the house and guaranteed to pass the house, you ask …..may?
If there are no objections from the author I would like to have this printed on a T shirt.
Sign me up for 2 of them