If you fail this test or challenge you will probably die in a SHTF event or if the grid goes down.

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2 years ago

Remember the rule of three. Three days without water and may be two weeks with out clean water!! If you don’t have water filters now, now is a good time to get several. Your life depends on safe water!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

We have a Berky water filter, and other means of filtering water.

2 years ago

my rule of thumb, for everything, have five ways (or more) to get or do those things, since today was water: water purification tablets, halazone, iodine, water straws, Berkey, Katadyn or similar large capacity filtration with stored extra filters. Bleach, a method and storage container/s for rain catchment and a rig to maximize the amount of rainwater you can gather. Lastly the ability to boil a large multi-gallon pot of water.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

If the price of toilet paper gets any higher, I’ll have to resort back to using corn cobs.

2 years ago

I live in the western U.S. Literally, everywhere I have traipsed around the 11 western states, I had always been able to secure natural sources of potable water. This includes Death Valley. I am not a wilderness expert, I am not a Jeremiah Johnson or some mythical indian tracker. It is by knowledge of rudimentary skills. In fact, very often those same skills of those who sojourned the barren track 150 years ago.

Technology is great and investment therein is advisable. Yet do not foresake knowledge and development of skills.