If You Have Doubts, Read This

The one about… Teaching on Civil Disobedience and Sedition from a Pope who wasn’t a Marxist, Modernist Imbecile

That would be Pope Leo XIII. Here are some choice excerpts from his Encyclical SPAIENTIAE CHRISTIANAE – On Christians as Citizens, from January ARSH 1890, which was recently brought to my attention. And boy, did it ever get my attention.

HERE IS THE LINK TO THE FULL DOCUMENT, which I cannot recommend strongly enough. If you can, print it out and take a highlighter to it. You might run out of highlighter ink before you get through it. Every paragraph is a manful, crystal-clear tour de force. Read this, and then compare it to the nebulous, wishy-washy, clear-as-mud Marxist, Modernist rhetoric we get today. When you read Leo XIII you comprehend EXACTLY what he is saying immediately. Bam. Pow. Here it is. Take it or leave it. 2+2=4. Period.

I can’t resist posting these excerpts, because he is speaking directly to us. “Relevant” doesn’t begin to do it justice. All emphases are mine.

From paragraph 2, (confirming) my position that the United States no longer actually exists as a licit state:

…if, in administering public affairs, it [government] is wont to put God aside, and show no solicitude for the upholding of moral law, it deflects woefully from its right course and from the injunctions of nature; nor should it be accounted as a society or a community of men, but only as the deceitful imitation or appearance of a society.


h/t WRSA

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9 years ago

Wow, just the little bit i read is mind numbing, what has happened to us and our nation, but most of all the people.

Pam Knowles
Pam Knowles
9 years ago

It is hard to believe that my dad’s generation was so patriotic and God loving, and some of our children’s generation is not patriotic nor God loving. I was raised by an Italian Catholic navy father. With the legalization of marijuana and the passing of same sex marriage, we have Sodom and Gomorrah. I taught high school; it is hard for me to understand how uneducated some people are.

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
9 years ago

THANK YOU! My family was Puritan before the Reformation and so I honestly didn’t know that there ever was a Pope who understood what the Bible actually teaches about a citizen’s duty to civil government -- Your link to Ann Barnhardt’s article turned on a big light for me. I also tweeted to Ann my thanks.

9 years ago
Reply to  Publius Huldah

There are 1500 years of Christian wisdom ignored by many because they are “Catholic” writings. But for the first 1500+ years, there was only ONE Church throughout Europe. And while it certainly had it’s share of evil men in positions of power through the generations, it was also the sole repository of spiritual wisdom for all Christianity, to which we are all entitled by Grace.