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- Michael on No More Secret Service for You
- strider777 on No More Secret Service for You
- Joe Blow on U.S. Central Command, has placed all U.S. bases in the Middle East on war alert
- Joe Blow on U.S. Central Command, has placed all U.S. bases in the Middle East on war alert
- Stan Sylvester on U.S. Central Command, has placed all U.S. bases in the Middle East on war alert
I grew up n the ’30’s and ’40’s in a very rural area at the other end of the Appalachians. We were bartering for food after the war ended. My mother was a nurse who took care of the farm family next door. My job was to take a little galvanized bucket next door and get milk everyday.
Nobody went hungry or without clothes. Nobody had new clothes; they were just hand me downs. If a family got low on heater wood folks got together and cut it.
People took care of each other because there was a sense of community. We lost that somewhere. If there is another great depression the outcome will be much different.
Givers and takers. I think we’re over the tipping point of takers vs. givers. The government took over where the church and community helped those in need. Now we have entitled takers courtesy of the government.
I always enjoy the videos from Southern Prepper One. I hope that the intention of the second video was for us to learn about and learn from the hardships that our people endured during that time. But the praise of FDR in the second video is sickening! FDR created the depression with his big government, communist, dig a hole and fill it up programs. The USA has never recovered from the likes of the commie FDR.
You are right ,if we have another one and we will , this time the hoardes for of different animalistic cultures that our guberment has allowed y to o come in illegally will murder each and every family just to get what you own.
That is not a video about how tough things were. That is a video about how FDR and the FEDs saved everyone with NEw Deal programs. Propaganda. There are better videos.
I agree.
FDR the commies hero, he was not the first commie president Woodrow Wilson gave us the federal reserve and 17th amendment. Scumbags all of them.
My grandmother, living in S. California through the depression, grew up poor, met her husband and moved out of California to where my grandfather worked in a lab making paint chemicals and she got a job with a man who was a tailor. She learned to sew from him, and over time she built her own business sewing curtains, cushion covers, etc. She became well known and those with money hired her to decorate their expensive homes. She became a well known interior decorator. As a child we grew up with her working in our basement sewing for the people along the Gold Coast of Chicago. My father grew up on welfare, didn’t like it, and spoke about how his father, an Italian immigrant brick layer, couldn’t find work in the city. He would send my father out to the empty lot down the street from where they lived in public housing of Chicago to collect gardoons, a dark green leafy ‘weed’ where they would fry up the tough stalks to eat or use the leafy part cooked in oil with garlic and tossed into pasta with some potatoes. He and his brothers would also steal from the back of bread trucks delivering bread to the local stores. When the war hit he entered underage and was deployed to the Pacific. He came home a wounded vet with a purple heart disabled from a 50 caliber bullet entering his leg and exiting his foot. After one year in the hospital he returned to Chicago, got a job in a local grocery store and from there worked the stock yards. Learning to butcher he moved up to bigger grocery stores and when my grandmother taught him how to make a pie crust he became a very good chef. For 12 years during my growing up he held a second job at night in one of the most prestigious restaurants where frequently he saw well known, well paid professional football and hockey players come to dine. He bought a few duplexes where, in his spare time made them better and collected some income to add to his savings. He taught us to work hard, save your money, move up in your employment to better yourself. Don’t gripe about your not having, but find a way to make it better. I chose to cash in all we owned and with our savings bought a sailboat. Home schooled our children, fished for our meat, bathed in the salt water rinsing in fresh, at times did laundry in a stream found on the islands we sailed to. Our home was 44 feet long by 12 feet wide at the widest point. We mostly lived out doors on our deck or roamed the beaches far away for ‘treasures’! We were separating our garbage aboard our boat, prepping for long voyages stocking up on what we could find at local markets, hauling and saving water when we could find fresh drinking water, cutting our own hair, taking care of our own medical needs (some serious), long before it became popular in the USA. Upon our return after almost 7 years away and circumnavigating the globe we returned to a country we barely recognized. The computer age was setting in, there were malls, restaurants everywhere. I noticed people were overweight, complained about having to work, do laundry, and spent everything they made on ‘toys’ or clothes. We were shocked our people had become shoppers, eating fast food, uneducated about finances, spending money they didn’t have (credit cards), and complainers about what little they had. I on the other hand was in love with my washing machine and dryer, what ease I had. I loved our car (decades old rust bucket and used) that got me to the grocery store where I was overwhelmed by all the choices, more ease for me, just walk down aisles with a cart you put your purchases in. No more walking a few miles with back packs and canvas bags to the open air markets putting a few canned goods in our bags if we could find them of tuna fish, tomatoes and vegetables. No more hauling fresh water and filling our tanks. No more doing laundry by hand. Upon our return, we found employment, a place to rent, worked hard, saved and bettered ourselves over the years. Our children learned from us and our lifestyle aboard our boat and in turn are now teaching their children to be self sufficient, hard working. Wow, our nation become a soft people, unhealthy, no idea how to take care of their own bodies using their money to go to a doctor for the littlest ailment, whiners about the job they have, looking for the next iphone to posses, needing someone else to hold their hand, then complain about how much they don’t have, always needing to be entertained. If only they could see the way the third-world countries lived that we visited they would see how rich they are! They would see at least here they can do something to better themselves. Unfortunately they have been taught wrong, grew up with no responsibilities for their actions, with parents who give them everything, not learning to do for themselves. Should any of us be surprised at the uneducated, lazy, drug and alcohol filled, TV, iphone, computer watching children that have been raised? There are a lot of stupid people here. I’ve said it before, get rid of those phones, turn off that TV and pick up a book. Save your money to build your nest egg. Open your eyes to what is going on around you in our country where we are truly headed for the days of the 1930’s bread lines. I’m am so saddened for the children who have been raised as young adults who are not motivated. They have been indoctrinated in those public schools, is it any surprise to any of us what we have raised?
i have often said, what a benefit it would serve for others to see a third world country. if they were not afraid and advised against it, at your resorts and vacation areas, go a few blocks out of the safe zone. Have a good look!
Even seeing bad areas of big cities, you haven’t seen squat until you see american servicemen throwing coins into “shit river” or into traffic while drunk and laughing etc…. for children and others to dive in to retrieve their reward.
God forgive all of us willing to admit our faults and failures!
Where have you seen American service men and women doing? This sounds like the old Jane Fonda Propaganda.
The Philippines. ask any one who was there. i am talking 1980’s. Propaganda my ass. The american people would shit if they knew half of what goes on.
Do not tell me vietnam did not have their share of sins going on!
Alongapo city was basically a whore city for the military. i regret much of what i saw and engaged in. And no it was not all bad. a beautiful place and some beautiful struggling people. All Republics are not the same!
wow just found this: Thanks tom for pushing me on this.
I don’t agree that I grew up poor. At the end of summer when our “sneakers” wore out and frost was on the ground we looked for a fresh cow “flop” to warm our feet in. We played outdorrs and weather didn’t stop us. We got socks and underwear for Christmas. There was no money. But we grew up rich because we were getting a good education, we had freinds, community, and freedom. I am poor now.
Deppresion video:
What i saw, what i gathered. What He my Master allowed me to see.
Showing us the struggle, the endurance .
we now have hindsight, our vision should be 2020 if your vision is not cloudy. we have a benefit of hindsight. These people did not have this at the time. Although their families most likely did have struggles in their past and histories. we have finger tip excess to all of this!
At that time “The new deal” was the worldly false promise of the day! How many of those are we now looking too?
Looks like some people helped each other! Gave out sandwiches water when available etc. Are we now with all our many resources and years of warnings preparing to help and give aid to one another? Or are we now looking to take from ‘victims’ and each other as needed?
i am not and never going to be a victim. If i die tomorrow i am not this worlds victim!
i have heard it said amongst my local and circle that as long as they have a gun, they will take what they want. i have heard on blogs some of the same. Is that the message we are putting forth, or remaining silent about when heard?
If we were more prepared to help others through this weather they listened or not , would this not also deter mans government from completing their plan as planned? Or even slow it down. Slowing this down is not a condemnation, nor a show of weakness as so many choose to see it.
look at it, this is a gift from above.
Most of us know america and americans are different. Why? Jesus, Yahusha within us is what made the difference.
The governments & peoples of this world create the crisis and then the gov. wishes to be the saviors. Turn them away, turn them down, continue to say NO!
i am only ten minutes in to this video! now what do you see? Do not be so quick to dismiss things because you see Franklin d Roosevelt and the new deal, or whatever else causes your breaker to trip.
The New deal is the same as the old deal and Stand up we must!
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. All throughout man’s history he did evil in the sight of the Lord, no different yesterday as today, nothing new under the sun. God did not remove judgement until man removed the evil amongst them. The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to give everyone the chance for salvation. He did not come to dismiss the prophets and Saints warning us time and time again to allow this evil.Isa45:18 For thus sayeth the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord, and there is none else. So are we to allow them to kill and maim God’s creation as they are doing? No we pick up our sword and remove this evil, period.
What is the purpose of tribulation and even Great tribulation?
How does God cause men to make a choice between good and evil?
Is it a short race, or an enduro?
It will continue as long as we are disobedient to God period.
Part two:
Min 11 or 12?
Mothers and fathers parents, what do i remember?
Great parents great providers, great teachers, speaking ‘not about the hard times , but Roosevelts hope and optimism. i would scratch Roosevelt i would not insert Biden nor Trump nor any other man. You know who i would insert into this space.
So what will your children remember about you?
“we never desired to be rich.”
“He (Roosevelt) was a savior” back then.
Is history on the cusp of repeating? What will we do different? The government will undoubtedly rush in to become the “savior.” with good intentions and all put aside. How will we react? How are we prepared to act? Are we prepared to endure , love our God through the Son, giving thanks each and every day for the opportunity to help and serve Him and others.
Like i have said, one day at a time, God willing and the creek don’t rise. Approach me with a weapon i will react in kind. i do not yet feel strong enough to totally resist my human nature. i am here for a reason. i do not live by the sword but it is a tool at my disposal.
When your enemy is killing you overtly or outright it is your duty to kill them this is not murder, it is obedience to God. When the Lord says turn the other cheek he is talking about words and insults and lies. He tells you if you do not have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one, saying protect yourself against your enemy.
How about a slap tom, does he tell us to endure and turn the other cheek?
i would be weak at this, especially by myself and without His guidance.
How about you, all your training, all your skills, all that discipline. How did you do in the area of discipline and patience?
Does he tell you to believe all the propaganda and lies from both sides and not to Trust in Him? Does he tell you to cherry pick verses of the Bible and not to look for context or at the Bible as a whole?
During the last depression, American was 90% white. We are now about 55% to 60% white. Maybe less. America was much more religious back then. Today America is corrupt to the core and lacks morality. I wonder how that’s going to work out for us.
What is the point of your comment? Skin color is an immutable characteristic. Might as well say people were taller or shorter back then. And?
There is no correlation between your first statement and the second. Correlation is not causation.
If you don’t understand what they’re doing to us, you are lost.
Best question I heard today to share:
✔️What would you do without freedom?
✔️What is your line in the sand?
That line in the sand seems to be infinite, we are cowards.
Correct. Cowards.
One main point out this video I received besides all the hardships our nations people had to endure because of the commie fdr and his commie wife with there Marxist policies is this, the people who had enough insight saw the nation was spiraling down and took there money out of the bank before the depression hit. They had food but the people had no money to purchase it only the ones who were smart had the cash to survive when the banks were closed, and this is where we are headed, the banks will close because of what these commies who run our government.
The people who became wealthy during that had cash and purchased land and businesses for Pennie’s on the dollar.
Has any one went and read the amazing comments on Prepper 1 video?
I watched video, and I make notes. There were some “nuggets” in the stories told, and it was a worthwhile experience. BUT, I recalled discussions during the college days where my Economics professors opined that FDR’s New Deal actually EXTENDED the depression.
Since those criticisms I heard were 50 years old, I ran a simple “Duck” search and found “plethora” of critical studies and opinions: “Did FDR’s New Deal prolong the Great Depression”. I found MULTIPLE ARTICLES which claimed FDR extended depression by SEVEN YEARS.
The historical dispute does NOT negate the merit of accounts of those who survived those terrible times as to “how they coped”. One somewhat uncharitable theme, repeated, was: DON’T EXTEND GREDIT TO THOSE WHO, IN A FUTURE DEPRESSION, CAN NEVER REPAY YOU.
People were much tougher and had a strength about them that man in general doesn’t have now. Compare also the numbers of people living in cities and or suburbs now. Most will fold up like a cheap suit as the saying goes. My Grandfather was one of the toughest men I ever knew. Born late 1800’s he and a brother //young teens left home and became lumber jacks—I remember him saying it could be so cold the ax would bounce off the trees. Can you imagine how many kids today could even put their phones down. He was a crack shot with a weapon and one of the proudest moments in my life was him betting I couldn’t hit a rabbit about 20 yds away with the single shot 22—--I nailed it, was I proud or what but then he lays it on me we have to skin it. He is telling me what to do and of course he was not a patient teacher so he grabs it from me and strips it in a matter of seconds—--So I learned real quick. I guess my story is to say and show how people were—survival was the every day norm. My father obviously grew up with that teaching and training and carried over into his military history. By the way he was a crack shot also—seems to run in the family—lol—But life became easier in his generation and as such each generation becomes more unable to take care of themselves and expects someone else to do the heavy lifting. Even the military has changed with all the technology so resistance can be more difficult. You can be tracked if you own a phone and do city/suburbs even exist or can the kids exist without phones etc. If the economy goes then this society will revolve into chaos and violence and unfortunately it seems this is what they want to happen.
I praise G-d every day my family is tough and trained and are survivalist if I can use that term not to mention mentally tough and full of the Power of the Lord !!! I guess the next question to ask is why am I posting this—-I don’t have a clue except maybe it will give hope and understanding of the difference in society from yesteryear—Can you skin a rabbit or even hit one at 20 yds with a single shot 22—-lol—my grandfather wasn’t impressed—-It was a way of life !!