Ignorance is strength as written by George Orwell. One explanation of this phrase is given here:
It simply means that, if people remain ignorant of the facts, they would not be able to raise questions against governments; therefore, it would help the concerned government in making a country “stronger.” The main agenda of the Party was to promote “double thinking,” which describes an act of accepting two equally contradictory ideas simultaneously as correct in a distinct social context. In other words, it says that the ignorance of the masses is translated into a government’s strength.
Understand? Let me give you a practical example. I called a close relative yesterday in New Jersey. He was a Republican and even ran for office years ago. The discussion was chilling. He firmly believes that Trump will be exposed for his crimes and removed from office. He cannot wait for this to happen. He also believes that the Republicans have to pay for gerrymandering voting districts in order to win the seats that they currently have. He is not worried about the Democrat coup because “the pendulum will swing to the other end” and even things out. Some day.
Understand? The media and the Deep State have convinced a large portion of the useful idiots that Trump must be removed from office through “double thinking”. Not for any valid reasons, just because “Orange Man Bad”. The facts do not matter. The illegal coup does not matter. According to the Sunday news shows, the House will impeach the President based on a series of lies with no Constitutional basis. Add the rumor that McConnell is blackmailing the President to mitigate his conviction in the Senate and what do we have?
This government has failed. Even if the coup is unsuccessful, Congress has worked tirelessly since the Democrats took control of the House to do nothing but falsely remove the President. Imagine if the Republicans had done this same thing to Obama.
The consequences are clear. The government will run out of money again shortly without yet another continuing resolution. The DOJ, FBI and intelligence agencies have not released any IG reports, indictments or even evidence with outside entities requesting specific freedom of information reports. The House is completely gridlocked on impeachment and the Senate Republicans are a disgrace to the country.
If we continue on this path, Hillary Clinton will be our next President. All Obama and Clinton crimes will be covered up. World War III will happen to preclude a civil war here and the Deep State’s goal for one world government will quickly reduce the population to their stated goal of 500 million people.
David DeGerolamo
It is plain to see that all is lost. The democrats will impeach based on hate. Republicans in the senate are a bunch of secret haters and want Trump gone as well. Makes no difference that he has done great things for the country, as he is not part of their club. A very bloody and ugly war can not be stopped and comes closer every day. Patriots, real ones, will stand with Trump and fight to the bitter end, whatever that will be. May GOD have mercy on us and give us strength to stand strong in the face of socialist and communist aggression.
David -- -- I certainly agree with your dire predictions. Even if the Senate refuses to accept fake allegations in an Impeachment Resolution, there is a good chance that a third party clown will come forth to siphon off enough votes to put Billary into office. Many think Bilary’s unwarranted attack on Tulsi Gabbard is meant to get Tulsi to switch to third party and thus pull votes away from The Trumpeter.
Prayers and preparations are the Order of the Day….
David -- -- Sorry, I don’t intend to monopolize but just ran across an article that dovetails well with your comments: https://freedomproject.com/the-newman-report/1239-u-s-children-getting-dumber-and-dumber?fbclid=IwAR2XB8i63tiTz3gn1wD6Ey-ibC8Fl0ThMtjXwgNgJwpfHZDA55AEjpN1z5o
Title is: “U.S. Children Getting Dumber and Dumber”