Ignorance Pays

h/t Matt Bracken

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1 year ago

The types of legal decisions by corrupt judges are nothing more than a continued attempt to stoke civil unrest -- in this case whites vs. blacks -- but they will attempt to divide and conquer any two groups of people.

Tragedy of the Commons

Lets see:
The White man built it
The black enjoys it, and
the jew owns it.

1 year ago

Chicago school system is loaded with teachers that don’t have a teaching certificate. Many are teaching courses that aren’t their “specialty”. English majors teaching math, etc. The Chicago Teachers Union is straight up communist. Former heads of the union are members of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chicago.

1 year ago

I want to vomit after watching this.

1 year ago

As Eric Cartman said. I no longer have a connection with this world. I’m going home and kill myself. Total insanity reigns. We mush be very close to end times.

1 year ago

It’s all a reparations con on the New York tax payer to pay the blacks money they don’t deserve. Once they blow thru the winnnongs they will be back for part 2 of more theft by the corrupted new York judiciary. This is all a black con on Americans. Why should my family members who still live in crap hole of a state pay these lazy s bags, my family came from Italy and Sicily and worked hard. My grandfather was a prizefighter who fought ten years without a loss until 1929 and made a substantial living and is in the hall of fame in Ohio and about to be in Florida, if he was here today he would have cracked there heads open. I told my family get out of that state they are all corrupted.