I’ll Take Your Recession

The Deep State has released the argument that although there has been mismanagement of federal funds, we should continue with business as usual to avoid a recession. Imagine how stupid they think the American people will consider such an excuse?

They are correct in their assessment but what they left out is that any path forward leads to a recession. Regardless of what Joe Biden said:

“We should be investing in deficit spending in order to generate economic growth.”

The reality is when the recession will start? As people now understand, excess spending only leads to inflation. The Biden inflation has already destroyed the middle class while funding and enriching the Deep State.

We have to decide what kind of future we want for our children. If they are to be free, we will have to pay a high price for our apathy and accepting treasonous actions by the government. I will take a recession now (as opposed to later) and raise them a depression if that is what it takes to restore Liberty.

David DeGerolamo

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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 month ago

We want them in Gitmo or Hung

1 month ago


1 month ago

they are inverting the truth into a lie like they always do and deflecting from their heinous felony crimes and making it like what they did is normal and only democrats can commit crimes and get away with it. they truly believe they have some form of royalty, and no one is allowed to accuse them because they are above the law. the democrats are fools, money launderers, murderers, bribe takers, liars, cheaters, etc. and are deserving of long jail term sentences offshore and sent to Gitmo or Diego Garcia base in the Indian ocean, Trump needs to get the scum out of the country so none of their crony lawless lawyers can talk with them ever again like they did to the J6 innocent people.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
1 month ago

The Greater Depression is what is coming. All the gold in Ft. Knox sold at today’s spot price will not cover the interest due this year on our 36trillion dollar debt.

Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
1 month ago

I haven’t thought there was any gold left in Ft. Knox since Clint-on.