Illinois Considering Taxing Retirement Income to Pay for Government Employee Pensions


If you can’t touch it, you don’t own it. I know most of you do not believe that simple fact. Just wait.

David DeGerolamo

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6 years ago

Everyone over 65 leaving Illinoying in 5,4,3,2………

6 years ago

Paying for other’s (Public employee’s) retirement at the expense of OUR own (We the People) Retirement is a NO-GO. ABSOLUTELY NOT! I’m so tired those Public employee’s who have strong unions that negotiate higher than normal pensions. This is the same Govt that is supposed to protect ALL of us. Not just Public Employee’s. In essence, the Govt that is for ALL of us is now only protecting Public Employee’s Retirement Plans. HOW DARE THEM! THEY BELIEVE THEY DESERVE OUR RETIREMENT FUNDS.I don’t think so. NEVER, EVER!
Perhaps it’s time to STOP all Govt Employee Retirement plans, and get RID of Union Contracts that control Retirement Pensions.And convert to the Public Employee Pensions that everyone else utilizes. You know, like us bastardly Peons they believe WE are. GOD forbid they live under the same plans WE Peons live under. Heaven forbid!