Illuminati opening ceremony of Gotthard Base Tunnel

The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland featured a “goat-man” that dies, is resurrected, is worshipped and is crowned as “the king of the world”.  The “goat-man” that played such a key role in this performance bore a striking resemblance to Baphomet, which in recent decades has become one of the key symbols used to represent Satan in the occult community.  So could it be possible that this entire ceremony was actually an Illuminati ritual that was intended to honor Satan?  Don’t pass judgment until you see the videos.



Europe is gone.

David DeGerolamo

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Tom Angle
8 years ago

They are not afraid to do it in the open anymore. Such a telling state of the church.

8 years ago

No wonder why G-d is pissed…

8 years ago

The Cosmic Spiritual War is simple: God Vs. one of his created beings (Satan) who rebelled and took 1/3rd of the his fellow created being angles with him – plus the fallen men and women who stay on Satan’s side (whether they realize it or not until Judgement). It is also called: GOOD Vs. EVIL.

Everything else is downstream and under the Spiritual Umbrella: Culture, Politics, Morality (or lack of) etc. etc.

David is right Europe is lost…and Obama (and the radical Left) wants U.S. to follow their path and has done everything in his/their power to radically transform U.S. into s Secular Progressive Pagan Nation.

It is up to every single being who is human to open their God given eyes to see and understand what is happening – they just have to read HIS book…and open their hearts to HIS word. As far as the outcome of the Cosmic Spiritual War…The book of Revelation (and other scriptures) details the defeat and eternal doom for all of those on the side of EVIL. (In this case ignorance will not be bliss).

It may get dark and gloomy down here…but God is in the 3rd Heaven with his feet up knowing the end from the beginning.

Everything else is just a matter of time and fulfilled prophecy.

As for me and my house…We will serve the Lord.

8 years ago

Too many years and generations bred with compromised hypoxia; prolonged Altitude sickness has evolved their brain function and other organ basic cellular functions, resulting in injury to the brain and lungs.

Not only Europe, Dead lost souls are everywhere.

8 years ago

Same crap a couple months ago with the Pope entertaining a circus. Not sure what planet we’re on anymore.

8 years ago
Reply to  ambiguousfrog

One that is getting darker…and darker…and darker