I’m Tired Too (Language Warning)

But I am not too tired to fight evil.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

She is right, but she is looking for human answer to spiritual problems and she is not going to find it. She must look to God for her answers and what to do. Christ said lay your burden on me for my yolk is heavy and he will make your burden light.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
1 year ago

Tired, weary, worn out, fatigued. Every day is something new that is being thrown at us.

Francis W. Porretto
Francis W. Porretto
1 year ago

Did someone mutter “consent of the governed” just a wee bit too loudly?

1 year ago

Pickup your cross. Keep walking.

1 year ago

If shes “Tired” now just wait sister! How many more Food Processors will be torched, or gas lines blown up, or grid shut downs will it take to STOP Bitching about it and take action? The rulers and Weffers, Gates etc are counting on people becoming so overloaded with frustration they go into full blown withdrawal and severe depression resulting in non-reactive Zombies. You know the Zombies that wont fight being placed in FEMA Camps with Bug Food & Guillotines/Ovens. We’re in WW3…this is war…the Psychological part of warfare. Two choices folks: (1) Keep doing what your doing watching the Propaganda Media getting more and more depressed…moving into the Zombie position or (2) Open the Book turn to God, take back your life from the Demons and Satan who lie to us every minute of every day and realize we as Gods People have life after death which allows us to stand up and fight against this tyranny, whereas the NWO Psychos Ruling put so much into life extension because they know the Hell that’s coming for them and they want to avoid it at all costs including killing billions!

1 year ago

We all feel that same rage. She has a large audience and her message is going viral. We are all very tired. How much longer before our country implodes from all this Bullsh!t? It can’t be long because we are all very tired. Our endurance is running thin. This Frederick Douglas meme nails it.

1 year ago

The Word says: When the Unrighteous rule, the people groan; when the righteous rule, the people rejoice! If we don’t get enough righteous leaders to turn this government around, we will have a Civil War. Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.

Hillybilly Homesteader
Hillybilly Homesteader
1 year ago

When I watch a video like this, or see Ben Bergquam and Oscar Ramirez reporting from the border, or Michael Yon, or see more info about J6 and other bureaucratic malfeasance or disease X and all the other things that are coming down the pike it keeps me focused on working out every day, on dehydrating another bag of potatoes or another bag of carrots or put up another bucket of pinto beans or rice. It helps me plan my budget to get another cistern, to learn more skills and to learn more about first aid.