Imagine If Government Got Out of the Way

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9 months ago

The government of the US has no legitimate right to exist. Resist, until it dies.

9 months ago

Government got out of the way??? Are you serious with that title? WHO do you think is paying this clown, subsidizing his research, etc.? Do you HONESTLY think that there would be private companies covering all of his costs/launches, etc. if there were NOT Pentagon spy satellites and god only knows what else going up on his rockets?? And even if these satellites were coming from so-called “private companies,” how much of THEIR monies came from hard-working taxpayers, and what spy technology was put into their projects in order to cover the costs? Elon is a RENT SEEKER and a parasite who may be a fantastic engineer, but is far better at getting the government/taxpayers to fund his projects than he is doing things on his own or with totally private funding of everything.