In Canada today, helping Muslim girls is “racist.” Edmonton Transit last year caved in to Islamic supremacist demands and took down bus ads sponsored by my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), offering help to Muslim girls who were living in fear of honor killing. But we are fighting back. We’ve initiated a court action to defend free speech – which is supposed to be protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Nowadays it seems increasingly in both the U.S. and Canada that free speech is only allowed to those whose positions are popular. But the whole purpose of free speech, the foundation of any free society, is to protect people who tell unpopular but necessary truths. If any group has the power to censor messages it doesn’t like, society is no longer free.

The Canadian media certainly hate our message of hope and freedom. The media in Canada called our ads “dishonorable,” “controversial,” and, above all, “racist.” It’s “dishonorable” and “controversial” and “racist” to save lives? Under the Sharia, yes, it is. And so in Edmonton, Sikh Councillor Amarjeet Sohi, who should know better than to carry water for the Islamic supremacists who oppressed his people for centuries, ordered officials to take down our ads immediately. They complied – even though vicious blood libels against Israel are just fine and have run on transit systems across Canada.


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