In It to Spin It

Finally, there’s the novelty solution to this fine mess: “Joe Biden” stays in the race, bumps Kamala, installs Barack Obama in the veep candidate slot, they romp, then somewhere around January 21, 2025, “JB” bows out. . . and cazart! It’s back to the Good ol’ days with President Obama again! What a play!  Genius! You see, the 22nd Amendment only says: No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice. Doesn’t say anything about getting elected veep and then being elevated to president by happenstance. If that doesn’t save our democracy, I don’t know what will.


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5 months ago

That’s a terrifying thought process.
If I didn’t have Faith in Yeshua’s return to collect His Church, I’d be scared shitless…

5 months ago

Negative. Obama on any ticket would be considered “elected.” He could not inherit the presidency from an elected ticket. That presidency would pass to the speaker.

5 months ago

Ahh, the ignorance of what our Constitution actually states is blooming well, yet again….
You have to read the entire Constitution, not just one Amendment !!
Yes, the 22nd Amendment limits a person to two terms as President.
But the last sentence of the 12th Amendment clearly states that the Vice-President must have the same qualifications as the President.
So if the 22nd Amendment states someone is disqualified to serve as President, that person, as a result of the 12th Amendment, is also disqualified to serve as Vice-President.
Look it up and take the time to read the entire Constitution. You might be surprised at what you thought was correct was actually incorrect.
Example: Nikki Haley is not eligible because she like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Vivek Ramaswammy, KamelHo Harris and Bobby Jindal are not “natural born citizens”. When they were born, their parents were not BOTH US citizens which is the meaning of natural born citizen. In short, anchor babies cannot become President or Vice-President.
KamelHo got installed because (1) the entire nation is totally ignorant or the meaning of this term, and (2) the DemonicRats and their propaganda media could care less what the Constitution says they must not do….
You ask: “Well, what about WoeBama the Magic Kenyan”….? Well, his father was not the Kenyan student that WoeBamaz slut of a mother latched onto after meeting him in a Russian language course at Univ of Hawaii. It was Frank Marshal Davis, the pornographer photographer and writer who took the slut’s nude photos and sent them to a Chicago men’s magazine where they were published for all eternity to see….
Frank was a Commie organizer sent by the Commies in Chicago to organize the dockhands in Hawaii into a Communist controlled labor union. So the much discussed faked birth certificate that WoeBamaz clowns pushed as authentic was really false. But that was due to WoeBamaz slut of a mother who was pregnant in 1961 when “good girls from respectable families” (even in hang loose Hawaii) didn’t get knocked up outside marriage. She either lied to WoeBama Senior to get him to marry her or she dangled the idea that once married with child which she would say was his, he could apply for US citizenship. So she gave false info when registering the birth about who the actual father was. BTW, both Frank Marshal Davis and WoeBama Sr were already married when this took place.

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
5 months ago

See the last sentence of the 12th Amendment.