In Memoriam, 2023, by Robert Gore

You don’t fight for your country, you fight for your government.

The Golden Pinnacle, by Robert Gore

On Memorial Day, America remembers and honors those who died while serving in the military. It is altogether fitting and proper to ask: for what did they die? Do the rationales offered by the military and government officials who decide when and how the US will go to war, and embraced by the public, particularly those who lose loved ones, stand up to scrutiny and analysis? Some will recoil, claiming it inappropriate on a day devoted to honoring the dead. However, it is because war is a matter of life and death, for members of the military and inevitably civilians, that its putative justifications be subject to the strictest tests of truth and the most probing of analyses.

Millions have marched off to war believing they were defending the US, which implies the US was under attack. Yet, setting aside for a moment Pearl Harbor and 9/11, US territory hasn’t been invaded by a foreign power since the Mexican-American War (arguably—Mexico claimed the territory it “invaded” was part of Mexico), or, if the Confederacy is considered a foreign power, the Civil War. That war ended a century-and-a-half ago, yet every US military involvement since has been justified as a defense of the US. That has gradually attenuated, in a little noted slide, to a defense of US “interests,” which is something far different.


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Lee Vail
Lee Vail
1 year ago

The U.S. military has become the personal army for globalist tyrants.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

When did it have a choice otherwise? Probably not for most of the existence of this country. That’s why the populace at large has to be well versed in political science to counter the rhetoric. The idea of going to war, even for those who don’t physically go, and repeated wars perpetrated by the political-corporate actors, in which the populace becomes poorer and poorer not only financially, but materially and in many other ways should be called into question. If one logically thinks about it, there should be a benefit to those of the country that continually decides to engage these countries, overturn their economies, and by extension destroys their infrastructure (presuming they’re in support of it). Whatever the extent of the ruined societal currency was, it likely all has to be redirected and undoubtedly it flows to a political elite here and their global partners in further wielding more unruly policy here while acquiring more war machinery to fund other wars and factions to fight each other or as proxy wars on behalf of the U.S. or whomever or whatever objectives they’re agitating for. This has been a pattern that’s been allowed to continue referred to as American exceptionalism, however it can’t continue. These countries have wised up such as with the BRICS system and superior education for their peoples. Realpolitik has become real competition.

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
1 year ago

9-11 was perpetrated by our very own government.
FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked and allowed it to happen.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

Israhell was the mastermind behind 9/11. Certainly the U.S. didn’t do anything to obstruct them, having their own agendas. Best info I’ve seen is from the multiple work of Christopher Bollyn.
Calling 9/11 an inside job is like naming the get away driver as the only one involved in bank robbery. In crime, the mastermind needs help but the mastermind is the reason the planning of the crime gets off the ground.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

Endless eyewitness accounts of secondary explosions in the Twin Towers on 9/11. Did the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) investigate all these claims before they determined there was “no corroborating evidence” that explosives were used?

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

September 10, 2001 -- Donald Rumsfeld announces that the Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 trillion in transactions.

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
1 year ago

The Confederate States of America was the true Republic.
Lincoln was a tyrannical war criminal.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

Agree Lincoln wasn’t as Holy as the historians want you to think. For what it’s worth we have only had 2.5 great Presidents. George Washington and President Donald Trump. Ronald Reagan could have been better, if he hadn’t let the Washington Swamp and Deep State gunshot warning to get in line and live.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 year ago

I agree with most of his theory until he got to 9/11. Bush, Deep State, Donald Rumsfeld 2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for one day before 9/11! Let’s not forget the insurance policies on the towers that ended up paying more than they were insured. Wasn’t that convenient 🙄? Also more intriguing information.

1 year ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

Interesting how most all of that 9/11 money and info was held by the Tribe.
Saudi Arabia my ass!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

The U.S. did have their agendas. However, the U.S. was like the getaway driver, not the mastermind.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

Saudi Arabia was the Lee Harvey Oswald of 9/11. Always look for a patsy on a false flag event.

Thomas D Dowling
Thomas D Dowling
1 year ago

US Citizens must be educated, well-informed, and constantly involved in all matters concerning all parts and stages of Our government.

Our government servants must be watched and extremely downsized. Less is better and easier for US to keep Our eye on.

We must always know what Our government is doing. We must always hold them accountable to Our will. They must always be in check. Government can NEVER be fully trusted!

Our government is merely a tool to SERVE US!

Thomas D Dowling
Thomas D Dowling
1 year ago

“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” — Thomas Paine

“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” — George Washington

“Experience hath shown, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” — Thomas Jefferson

“The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.” — James Madison

1 year ago

Term limits and a true balanced budget would have destroyed the Empires of Lawlessness that our “Professional Politicians” (SPIT) have created.

As Ben Franklin said, “when the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic,”

Even Ben knew that politicians would buy themselves a permanent fiefdom using taxpayer money.

1 year ago

Meanwhile they are bringing in their new army:

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  grif

More good memes from grif, thanks.

But is preaching to the converted much different than screaming into the wind?

Memes like this pasted on telephone poles around military bases might give a confused “joined because my Daddy and Grandpa did” Southern boy something to think about while being FORCED to obey massive globalhomo “sensitivity training”.

We have surrendered the POWER of the Media to the Globalhomo and we sit around preaching to the converted.

No offence to grif, but somebody tell me what’s the point?

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Exactly why I post them Michael. Because we are bombarded day in and day out with left wing propaganda. Sometimes we need to remember why we fight and its not to be obedient to government. You may not need to too or find what I and others post beneath your sensibilities but tuff shit. I noticed a trend with you attacking others on this sight and nitpicking. We are supposed to be on the same team here yet you seem to devote a lot of energy pointing out whats wrong with others here. You even wanted to search through the archives the other day just to give a gotcha to Tom Finley. Petty Mike if you ask me and not a good look.Whats the purpose of this sight then MIke. Its ok for you to quote good old Ben Franklin though, like we dont know that quote and need to be reminded. Are you not preaching to the choir? Whats the point? Why are you here then? To just critique or….

Last edited 1 year ago by grif
1 year ago
Reply to  grif

Wow, girf with a classic “have you stopped beating your wife” gotacha what’s your answer?

No wonder we’re doing so well fighting amongst ourselves and the left laughs.

If you re- read my comments, I’m ASKING WHY WE POST THIS IN OUR SECRET BLOG instead of AS HAND BILLS (Like in the American Revolution) on tavern walls and telephone poles SO the MAYBE Wondering NON-SUPER PATRIOTS can SEE them.

That handbill *might* help Pvt confused by required “Sensitivity training” to realize what AMERICA IS ABOUT.

NOT like We TEACH THIS Ben Franklin Stuff in public schools, EH?

Tom Finley dropped his usual sore butt comment to score a point and I sent the message that the INTERNET NEVER FORGETS. His responses tell me I’m over target and shoes that don’t fit should be ignored.

In case you forgot it takes two to argue, so when DEFENDING ONE you might need to think about number two? Or as my Grandmother said now and then, “Do YOU have a dog in this fight?”.