In one of his very first acts as Pope, St. Pius V ordered that sodomites be executed by the secular authorities. He then went on to order that any cleric caught engaging in sodomy be immediately laicized and turned over to the secular authorities to be executed. Papa Ghislieri, pray for us.

A happy and blessed Feast of Pope St. Pius V Ghislieri to one and all!

In one of his very first acts as pope, Pope St. Pius V in Cum Primum on April 1, ARSH 1566 ordered that sodomites be executed by the secular authorities.

Two years later, he declared in a Constitution:

That horrible crime, on account of which corrupt and obscene cities were destroyed by fire through divine condemnation, causes us most bitter sorrow and shocks our mind, impelling us to repress such a crime with the greatest possible zeal.

This sodomite crap isn’t a game, folks. Satan is playing for keeps, and we would all do well to face this fact now.  Better late than never.

Pray for us to the Lord Our God, Papa Ghislieri, that we be delivered from the brutal jackboot of the sodomites.


h/t WRSA

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1 year ago

Well, you cannot argue with the facts of history. But, since Mother Church has turned a blind eye to pedophilia since the collapse of vocations in the 1970’s, I doubt the False Prophet who currently occupies The Chair of Saint Peter, would subscribe to the doctrine of Saint Pius V. If there is no Deus ex Machina event soon, God will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. Life is a vale of tears. Bleib ubrig.

1 year ago

God commanded that the Israelites not tolerate the sodomites and that they all be killed. Know your LGBT history.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound

Just letting them do their thing behind closed doors hasn’t worked out at all. They wouldn’t stay in the closet. So….

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound

America is more than one country within the continental U.S., in many respects, and they all have their own laws, protections, social and cultural mores, and other established dispositions. The merely points out the failure of the corporate Christian church system to inculcate and instill how to manage their own jurisdictions. If they didn’t care that multiple generations went uneducated as to their own form of government, history, laws, civics, arts, science, and with regards to the social spectrum at large, then that’s a default loss on their part (by design, choice, and/or acquiescence). The expansive, gaining in momentum movements across the cultural landscape, seem to be more the ramifications of ineptitude of many of those who profess to be against them.

1 year ago

How would this help heterosexuality?

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Maybe by not indoctrinating them with BS gender struggle sessions at school?

NH managed to “instruct” a woke School leadership that they were elected by the community and an immediate recall was in session about their Drag Queen event plans.

Hitler used the LGBT as brown shirts until they could be disposed of in a “Night of the Long Knives”. History repeats.

1 year ago

Drag Queen Story Time in Melbourne, Australia has been cancelled due to death threats. It is a minor victory. Our state premier, Dan Andrews, then goes on a rant that the protesters acted like they were from politicians from Florida (I guess Florida is anti-woke, no mask mandate, etc)
If the link below doesn’t work any more (due to paywall) then google “monash drag queen storytime cancelled”
It happened in the suburb of Oakleigh, which is in the City of Monash (like a District/Shire or electorate), which is in the City of Melbourne

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Good. Reason and force are the two ways in which one influences another. The lefty Libytards don’t want to be reasonable which leaves the forceful option. They’re really not going to like it when normal people enact Pine Land rules

1 year ago

I realise there is another commenter using “Michael” (on the post”Russia’s Wagner chief says forces to leave Ukraine’s Bakhmut”) I’ll have to add my surname initial to my name.
I have had another instance where a similar thing happened on another media platform, with a different title is used, which was strange.
Australia has the “identify & disrupt” bill where they can alter your data legally, so if there is any problematic comments from a “Michael” in the future is isn’t me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Is odd to read not my comments but so far, you’ve been pretty good ones.

Australia an odd place, once quite the independent sort, sons and daughters of prisoners. I have hope they will again be free.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Personally, I don’t think Australians have the wherewithal. Here, it only seems like hunters or farmers are pro-gun. What is good is that I am reading freedom loving Aussies commenting on media posts in line with the founding fathers quotes (“inalienable rights”) which I never saw in the past. (Internet influence?).
But for the most part, if your say that your rights come from God, not the government people are not sure how to take the comment. I had the same mentality as a kid.
The bad thing is I am also seeing on pro-freedom channels on Telegram “Screw America” comments in favour of Russia for the wokenss of the U.S.A. -- which even Americans are doing now.
I end up replying to them that the U.S.A. is the greatest blessing & the greatest curse on the world (for good or for evil) & tell them that what is the better option… Chinese or Indian Rule?
I think deep down they know as I don’t usually get responses.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael-AU

The hard questions require hard self-reflection and most of us don’t DO Self Reflection. Its painfully honest, easier is the little lies. As Yoda said, “Dark side, faster, easier”.

As an amateur historian, all history is written by the victors. No empire survives its own suicidal late empire behaviors like Ukraine-Afghanistan-Iraq. Throw in there COVID and Vaxx destruction and debasing the dollar with electronic “money printing”.

One major factor in Romes’s fall was the debasement of the silver drachma. Once a solid silver coin, it was remade decade by decade (or ruler by ruler, your call) into a lesser coin until it was but a bronze coin (Zinc pennies anybody?) with a silver glaze on it.

Once the Mighty Roman Legions were reduced to paying Barbarians to defend the Roman Empire (Ukraine Proxy War sound familiar?) once the Barbarians discovered they were getting gypped with fake silver, the loss of faith in Rome sealed the deal.

Most of the Barbarians that sacked Rome were ROMAN Trained Legions.

All resources are going to be used by somebody. AU resources or American resources are very desired by overcrowded countries like China and India.

Wealthy Romans moved elsewhere into the “Barbarin lands” now known as France, and England. Some eventually became Rothschilds, and even rickety “King Charles” could see Roman lineage in his inbred carcass.

Average Romans simply went to work as part of the new bosses.

Protect your family. It’s the most important thing. Whole bloodlines will be wiped out in the coming Winter of our discontent.

a follower, woA happy and blessed Feasrking on it.
a follower, woA happy and blessed Feasrking on it.
1 year ago

Not one person has an issue with this?
A happy and blessed Feast of Pope St. Pius V Ghislieri to one and all! “
“Pray for us Papa Ghislieri”
And we wonder why?
Mother church?
Mother church, Mother earth? When does it end?
Queen of heaven? Jeremiah 44:19

1 year ago

Some folks don’t get wound up over stuff.

Christmas is an excellent example. Most treat it as a family get together. Some treat it as something more Christian.

As they say in NH “Live free or die”.

Or more scripturally:

Philippians 2:12
King James Version
12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Be at peace brother.

1 year ago

Ah yes…” The creatures of the underworld running our country must think the public is awfully stupid.”