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THIS is how comfortable the left is in their ability to cheat WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES.
Nobody hung last time.
Dissolve Pennsylvania and absorb them into the surrounding states! If we can’t trust PA to play fair, throw them out of the game.
Yeah, throwing more bodies into New York and Maryland’s voter rolls is going to help?
I thought that being in a polling place with a hat/t shirt whatever with a candidate’s name on it was illegal.
I went to go vote and had a Trump cap on. They told me to leave it in the car.
Only if you support Trump.
B A L K A N I Z A T I O N !!!!
One way or another, things are going to get spicy next week.
You would think they would sneak the $hite-skins into the building through a side door or something, to keep it low profile. But noooooo they are pushing it straight into your faces now. They are just outright telling you what that think of you--and that’s what sleepy Joe said, “floating garbage.”
And you are all just standing there like cartoon mooks, like stupid mo-mo’s, grumbling and stumbling.
And their operatives and collaborators work feverishly in the broad daylight, openly and unopposed, mocking you. And you see in this video these invaders were led inside COMPLETELY UNOPPOSED. Where are the mobs of enraged men now with hickory bats? Where’s the pots of hot tar waiting? What would have people done 100 years ago if citizens saw this happening? And why not now? Is the World Series more important? Is NASCAR and knee-grows bouncing balls your priority?
The Supreme Court just ruled today all illegal alien non-citizens, dead people, etc. who are still left on voter rolls must be removed from all voter rolls across the country. This shuts down the illegal operation of A.G. Garland and his entire Un-Constitutional operation which Holder is running for him on the States with Obama his Boss. The freak perverts are committing suicide today in the DOJ’s office since they have been put back into the straight jacket which this khazarian pervert jew foisted on our nation.
Phil since when did the Socialist Democrats listen to the Supreme Court?
Or as someone in our history said “Then let the Supreme Court enforce it “.
In a few days plus what ever more time they need to count the extra ballots we shall see.
Do the Democrats allow Trump to be the fall guy aka scapegoat for America’s economic collapse and bankruptcy or the Marxists grab the brass ring.
About the same preps for both.
Trusted friends and trusted family members is critical to surviving an economic disaster.
Sheesh as old as the hills twice as dusty. Migrant workers with no English skills were given ballots and told to mark “here” and write an X for signature “here” and given 5 bucks cash. This was the 13th precinct near the Texas border, during the 1948 US Senate election. Candidates were LBJ and Coke Stevenson.
Goodness Steve, it sounds like you think this is a big fat NOTHING problem?
But then again, we’re getting a lot of new names posting something that makes the thread not a big deal lately.
Maybe I’m wrong, been wrong before and am man enough to apoligize.
But I’d like you to EXPLAIN your “This isn’t new nor that big a deal comment”.