In Response to “A Patriot Without a Country”

I received the following email concerning my post “A Patriot Without a Country“:

Your analogy between this “Planet of The Apes” baboon and Germany and Hitler in the nineteen thirties is ludicrous in the extreme.  It only illuminates the fact that you have been totally brainwashed and propagandized by the inconceivably corrupt, Zionist-controlled media that has done everything it can to completely misrepresent Germany and World War II.  The  only real truth about this period is that Germany made a heroic stand against the Marxist-Zionist, ultimate totalitarianism that butchered seventy million people.  If you want to compare this weaselly, Zionist pseudo-president it should be to the Zionist Lenin.  If England and the Scandinavian countries had aligned themselves with Germany, they could have crushed Marxist-Zionism like the collective maggot it was and is, in which case this nightmare world of Zionist, usurious creation would have never existed.  We do not have a Nazi government today in the United States of Marxism.

It might be of interest for you to note that International Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933, calling for the international boycott of all German products and the complete destruction of the German economy and culture.  They declared a holy war against Germany, which was covered by every major paper in the world, although most of them have expunged, in Orwellian fashion, the existence of the coverage of this holy war declaration.  Such a declaration made every so-called Jew in Germany an alien subversive who could have been summarily executed for high treason at any time.
You need to go back and study the history of the early twentieth century from an epistemologically precise perspective that isn’t tainted by the Orwellian-Zionist butchery of history.  It might be of interest to you to know that these Kol Nidre, pathological lying Ziionists claimed a dozen times that six million of them had been killed.

I bolded the second sentence but everything else is unchanged. I guess I have a new label to add to the list.

David DeGerolamo

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11 years ago

I began to look into WWII history a while back and gave it up because its so emotionally charged its hard to sort out fact from propaganda. Since then, I try not to compare anything to Nazis or the WWII time period, the chance of your point being lost too great.

Doc Mojo
11 years ago

Dear David, Regarding the persons’ reply to your “A Patriot Without a Country”, I am 51 years old and I try to fully educate myself because the “Public Fool” System did not. Yes, certainly things in history have been covered up and hidden, but I find it hard to believe that any Jewish or Israelite group killed over 70 million people without it being published in our Country’s Medias. Especially back then when the press was Free and not sanctioned as much as today. My father fought in WWII, and his battalion was one of the Western Allies that discovered the first Concentration Camp in the Western part of Germany. It was in the city of Dachau at the war’s near ending. When my father’s platoon came across that Camp, they were in total disbelief as if they were living inside of a Fictional book. Even the massacres of the Dark Ages and ones before, that my father had studied in college World History, in his mind could not top the images that he saw there. So, if the Jewish people, who were obviously Not the majority of German citizens, decided to “strike” or “boycott” their own Country’s products caused Germany to go into a Depression and possible collapses (which is total BS) that justifies the Nazi controlled government to murder around 8 million Jewish citizens? Whoever responded to your post with his comments definitely has to be anti-Jewish, racist supremest. I can understand someone disliking a certain race, but to outright HATE them and call them the enemy or Traitors? I am a Conspiracy believer, and that today here in the USA the Govt. has such barbed-wired, fenced in “residential compounds” as shown on Jesse Ventura’s show. Maybe one day when this guy’s “race or cult” gets rounded up and put into one of these “residential compounds” I am certain that it will not be the Jewish citizens that put him there. I feel bad for you David. Especially if you have to deal with these types of persons responding to your articles. Please continue your work. At least I appreciate reading them. Sincerely, Doc Mojo Sams