We have no information to suggest a specific credible cyber threat against the U.S. homeland, but it is our responsibility to be prepared. And that's what we at @DHSgov do. #ShieldsUp pic.twitter.com/30ytFGUpTa
— Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (@SecMayorkas) February 23, 2022
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Cow pies ! He isn’t ready for a damn thing. Washington is worried about a bunch of truckers converging on their Fiefdom. What a bunch of pathetic losers. We’re on our own,people,in case you haven’t figured it out yet. Act accordingly.
If you’ll forgive the shameless self-promotion, here are some predictions from my last post at Granite Grok (and all my Covid cartoons in one spot -- newest one shown here):
Mayorkas is a criminal POS, his goons are still tracking Jan 6th patriots to arrest and put in the gulag, now they are tracking the truckers. I know where you belong Mayorkas with the rest of the goons in DC and it is coming.
All is baloney. The stakeholders have it well under control. Learn why here. Read link. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/02/investigative-reports/technocracy-the-operating-system-for-the-new-international-rules-based-order-1/
If anything like this happens it will be done by our government to us. They will blame it on Russia. But it will be twofold, wag the dog and to stop us from communicating so the protests are stopped.
Caution on the highways-I had another flash glimpse (a couple). It was dark, to my right a vehicle was speeding down what seemed to be the wrong side of the highway (the furthest lane to my right), then suddenly turned slighty leftish, then in a skilled manner around to its right and skidded to a halt, flashing the blue headlights, somewhat oval-shaped, briefly (the number 11 having been flashed diagonal in my direction), then it was back to the regular colored lights, (with a bit of a yellow tinge). It seemed to be the shape of a smaller police vehicle, but it was not visible. The other glimpse had to do with an actress committing a murder by stabbing, but the body was wrapped in a soft-white blanket with small perhaps elongated squares of pale blue and rectangular pastel yellow shapes with a bit of extended corners at a couple of the points or so, and therefore I didn’t have to see much of the gore, and I was thinking ‘she’s a murdress, and one of those in the occult’ and I knew who this actress was. I did see an image (sort of animated) of blood on the darkened (like charcoal) blade of her dagger (and don’t recall the name of the actress and should have written it down, I believe she was blonde). She seemed to run off towards my right.
In another vision in front of me (large), I saw through the right side of a passenger window, the right side of the face and upper body of a Middle Eastern looking man and I could see out through the driver window. He was holding a personal-size wider-blade scimitar in front of him and seemed to be in a reflective mood, like he had prayed about a matter and was resolved to do something. The large tree on the driver’s side (thick tree trunk, lots of dark green foliage perhaps set off the light, or the mist surrounding it, rather being a dense wintery white with a tinge of yellow (a bit dingy), perhaps snowy-looking. I think the vehicle was yellow.
In yet another glimpse this morning, my focus was being directed to look in a specific direction and at a specific angle by means of what and how I was being shown (clear sides on left and right extending down, with the awareness there was an outline, defining them, but not particularly visible) moving in an unsteady, jagged movement with the ‘lines’ also moving in a jagged manner. It felt earthquake-like. Then as I was focusing on looking in the direction I got adjusted, and the movement stopped. Then everything was in still motion. There are descending concrete stairs starting from covered, low light, leading to a well-lit area (sunlight, open air with concrete sidewalk in a city-atmosphere), such as exiting a transit area. There was a dark brown brick building down (of which the side was visible, no windows, door), and it seemed that other things were down, but rather only peripherally noticing, beyond the base of these stairs, and in the descending direction of the stairs to my left I saw the back of a woman with light blue shirt, dark pants, short brown layered hair, and seemed a bit older, but she seemed out of the range of where I was supposed to be looking. This seemed like New York and the brown brick looked similar to the brown brick building I’ve previously been shown (although without the charcoal hue); perhaps a double confirmation. These seem to comprise the color pattern (the colors) I was shown in previous glimpses indicating events to come.
Clarification: http://www.biblemeanings.info/Words/Artifact/Brick.htm
“In the Word, stone signifies truth, and therefore brick, because it is made by man, signifies falsity, for brick is stone artificially made. That brick has this signification may be further seen from the following passages. In Isaiah:-”
“I have spread out My hands all the day unto a refractory people, that walk in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts, sacrificing in gardens, and burning incense upon bricks (Isaiah 65: 2, 3).”
“Burning incense upon bricks denotes worship from things fabricated and false; and therefore they are said to walk after their own thoughts. Again:-”
“For the elation and pride of heart of Ephraim and of the inhabitant of Samaria, that say, the bricks have fallen down, but we will build with hewn stone (Isaiah 60: 9, 10).”
“Ephraim denotes an intelligent person who falls into perversities, and calls or makes to be true things that are false, or bricks; hewn stone denotes what is fabricated. In Nahum:-”
“Draw thee water for the seige, strengthen thy fortresses, go into the mud and tread the clay, repair the brickklin. There shall the fire devour thee, and the sword shall cut thee off (Nahum 3: 14, 15).”
“Here to tread the clay denotes falsities to repair the brickklin denotes the derivative worship; the fire is the punishment of cupidities; the sword is the punishment of falsities. In Ezekiel:-”
“Take thee a brick, and set it before thee, and grave upon it a city, even Jerusalem (Ezekiel 4:1)”
“and he was commanded to beseige it, in which prophetic matter there is involved that the worship wad falsified. That brick signifies falsity, may be still further seen from the signification of stone, which is truth, concerning which presently.”
Brickklin sounds a lot like Brooklyn.
Incoming false flag? Very possible. The Con radio networks in my neck of the woods are fully onboard with anti-Putin, pro-Ukraine, and pro-Nato bullshit. Many, if not most Con listeners and callers are fully onboard as well.
“No information about a credible threat” other than Putin saying he’ll use extraordinary means against anyone who tries to stop him. Putin was probably just joking though, he’s a funny guy like that.
here it comes wait for it, whether from the DOD, the CIA or the FBI to perform there marxist communist lies on Americans. all of them are beholding to china adn Russia, All criminals and justice will be served on each and every one of these miscreants who work at these fraudulent agencies.