In an interview from India, Gov. Greg Abbott says ten other states have sent national guard to the Texas border, and others will follow. Abbott says he is “prepared” for a conflict with federal authorities.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 26, 2024
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I wonder what would happen if elected officials actually would do their jobs instead of running for other offices like President or globetrotting on taxpayer funded vacations.
Pandemonium, demonic rainfall, dogs and cats living together.
a wild uproar (as because of anger or excitement in a crowd of people) a chaotic situation
the capital of Hell in Milton’s
the infernal regions : hell
Sorry could help myself. Politicians actually Doing their Jobs?
Term Limits please.
Yes, it’s odd that Abbott us in India this week. Macron is there, too.
Yes, and this while he has set up the conditions for a bonafide standoff between fedscum and state troops. Seems to me as chief executive of the state, he should be at home tending directly to events unfolding there, not pussyfooting around on some international junket with the likes of the French president. Yet another reason for me to question the seriousness of his resolve in this matter.
Somehow I doubt he is off arranging international support and direct diplomatic relations with foreign powers in support of his proclamation against the feds. And I don’t care that this trip was prearranged, given the timing and events presently unfolding by his own actions, he should’ve cancelled these travel plans.
I agree. As usual, we are getting a snow job.
Why is Abbott in India. There are 3 possibilities that come to mind.
1. He is meeting with a few WEF friends telling them his plan to expose the republican governors who sent him equipment and manpower was a success. Now they know who to target domestically with more illegal immigration.
2. India has nukes and he is trying to cut a quiet deal to acquire a few to use as a deterrent just in case dementia joe is serious about this border fight and using the full power of the deep state to force Texas to comply.
3. India has a fare amount of gold reserves and Texas opened a gold bank in 2015 . Perhaps they are courting India to use the Texas gold bank as a way to start a international trade in anticipation of future Texas secession from the US.
Let’s ask him.
Just read about the gold back bank. Had t heard about this. Will research.
North Dakota has an independent State Bank with Gold Reserves as well:
I remember reading a small article in the Asian Times that caught my attend around September-October of last year about the BRICs meeting having some 25-30 States representatives attending. I assume this and the India meetings are securing Capitalization when the US Dollar crashes…or war?
Breaking news on Fox
Border Patrol has ‘no plans’ to remove razor wire set up by Texas amid feud with Biden admin
CNN has nothing about the Texas debacle.
it figures they were told by their CIA handlers to keep their mouths shut since many of them are on the payroll of that communist run agency, while they are scheming and plotting in the background like they always do to cause mayhem at the border and have someone fire the first shot at a border patrol agent from a Cia/FBI agent dressed up in a national guard uniform, just like they did at the J6 event. These are all rat bastard dogs.
Yes, they are rat bastard dogs.
Time to de-fund every Alphabet Agency! …but then they’ll just change into Drug Dealers and Arms Merchants worst & larger than they already are!
Congress plays a pivotal role in the destruction of our nation.