Indiana University Students Mistake Priest for KKK Member


On Monday, students at Indiana University Bloomington mistook a priest for a Ku Klux Klan member, taking to social media to express their fear of the alleged Klansman, who they claimed was carrying a whip, and dressed in “white robes.”

Rumors of a Klansman on campus were extinguished after it was pointed out that the passerby was actually a priest innocently making his way through Bloomington, Indiana. When sighted on campus, students thought his white robes indicated an affiliation with the KKK.


h/t Randy D

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Aaron de Bruyn
8 years ago

Wonder what they’ll think about Jesus passing through…

8 years ago

The profound irony of this episode is beyond mere words to express. But, fundamental to all the other ironic modes which such an anecdote excites in the rational and educated mind is that -- college students, at a rather large and “respectable” university --
1. Couldn’t recognize a Catholic priest wearing the traditional vestments of his vocation, and
2. Were so sheepishly uniform in their gross misinterpretation of his attire, that the majority mistook his appearance as that of a lone “KKK member”, strolling through with the intent of committing mass “microagression” by way of his choice of wardrobe.

I have to wonder, how many millennials have ever seen an actual Klan march or rally -- or even just a single Klansmen in garb -- in their entire lives, given the fact that the KKK exists today, for all intents and purposes, somewhere between being a humorously impotent anachronism (suitable mostly for its parody value), and an extinct social movement along with its sisters, the “Social Hygiene” Societies of the US and various European countries. Honestly, I haven’t seen a single Klansman in garb since I was a young man -- which is quite a pace beyond “recently” -- and I can’t recall but one or two news story about actual Klan activities in the last fifteen years.

That such a pack of deluded, paranoid, and selfrighteous idiots as these “educated youth” are allegedly “the flower of our civilization”, and “our hope for tomorrow” is worse than disappointing; it would certainly serve as sufficient cause for dispair, amongst any not firmly grounded in faith through the blessings of the Holy Spirit.

And, at the risk of offending any actual Klan member who may still exist, I have to wonder what else these ‘young adults’ also still believe in -- Santa and the Easter Bunny? The Tooth Fairy? The Boogeyman? Sasquatch (those sightings where Airforce-One has not recently landed)?

Dare I ask, What other misty aphorisms, juicy rumors, and morally questionable allegories also cling in the minds of these morally contorted and accademically stunted “future leaders” of our bankrupt society?

Irony indeed. I believe I’ve overdosed on it already, and the day is still young (even if I am not).

And my extra reel of rant, for those who can stand it:
I guess these youngsters are unaware of the fact that, throughout the 1970s and 80s, the FBI had so many undercover agents, stoolies, and sources within the Klan, that it was estimated that 1 out of every 3 adults present at a Klan activity (circa 1980) was either on the FBI payroll, or reporting to an FBI case officer as part of a plea deal. The Federal Government infiltrated and surveiled the KKK to death. Literally. Now, of course, they are doing this to every other movement which the government dislikes; but they cut their teeth on the Klan’s backside, and did a fine job of it, too. Let that be a warning to all, in this crazy age.

8 years ago

Dumb ass !

8 years ago

” … “Residential hall advisor Ethan Gill quickly wrote an email to his students, warning them of the “threat” on campus:” … ”

I’d have to say that this self-important example for a fear farting functionary should leave his email device in his pocket while he goes to verify conditions … prior to alerting an entire campus to a threat which exists only in the minds of the ignorant.

It was almost tantamount to yelling ‘fire’ in a movie theatre.