Information from boots on the ground…Not getting better so prepare for total collapse.

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2 years ago

If you are going to build it back better, first you must destroy it!
They are destroying it, to rebuild to their liking, not ours.
Much like the Titanic, once it was severly damaged it was going to sink, it just took a while. Most of our country is wrecked and not repairable, the only direction is down. Those that survive can pick up the pieces and start again!
The only question is who is going to rebuild, and what!
Fasten your seatbelts!

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Disassembly of the States and Western Type Society is definately happening, at Every Level in Every way and darn near Every Western Type Country.
Nothing, appears to be Untouched or Untouchable….NOTHING.

I Definately…Do Not have answers.
I have thoughts, but thats about it. As do many.
Some alittle more rational than others.
But who’s to say whats “The Rational Thought(s).” “The Reality.” “The Plan”
Some of it’s “Insane Asylum Thorazine Injection” Out There and that doesn’t help.

It is coming from Every Angle, in Every Way, All at once, High Speed and Every Day.

I don’t believe it’s as Simplistic as “Commies” are taking over, Facisim…The Rainbow Hair, The Sex Cult, NeoCons, D, R, Davos, MIC….hell maybe it is. I don’t know.

And it’s not just One Political Party.

It does appear the (D) has choosen the “Childish Simple Minded” Method.
Let Chaos and Insanity insue and perhaps Hope to swoop in and be the “Saviors” of some basis of Social Order.
Which tells me ….anyway….. they are no better than Rapist saving you from a Rapist only to be Raped anyway.

They are ALL guilty of …Helping whatever this “Plan, Movement or Vision” is along.
In some form, way, fashion….for whatever excuse they utter in front of the Camera, the floor of the Senate or House, They Are All Guilty as Sin of the Insanity and Chaos.

One Person, isn’t going to figure it out in there basement at there computer or Have that AH HA, I figured it moment. Find that piece of the puzzle to explain it all or Hack there way into The Server with The Answer. Thats just …Not Reality… at All.

But It Is Happening.
Indeed it is.

I assume alot of folks are missing it for any number of reasons. And there are ALOT.
Because there trying to do Life and just Live and Die as happy as they can.
There just plain not paying attention, they don’t want to be uncomfortable….

My observation, BIG Money people, the Gates, Musks, Soros, Bloombergs, Kochs etc etc, The National Security Establishments, Politicians, The Militarys.
Every move they make just makes thing Worse, again at Every Level in Every Way.

Thats Damn Obvious. imo.

It just keeps getting More Twilight Zone Everyday and Every Year.

It is Maddening not to be able to understand One’s Environment(s)

Anyhow….gota get the wife up for work.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

The spirit world moving behind the scenes in all realms and aspects of life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Awww shit bro I love that name you got there. That’s a good one.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The Baltic dry index is way up. What does that mean? Ocean going freighters that only haul dry material like coal, and iron ore, etc. are charging a lot more these days because of demand. Some of that problem is that freighters are waiting to get unloaded. Shortage of freighters equals much higher costs. These are historic highs.