INGSOC Unmasked

The UK riots, Communism 2.0, and the Strategy of Tension

George Orwell warned us in his novel 1984.
But the time for warnings is over.
Orwell’s dystopia is here.
He called it “INGSOC”.

The streets of the U.K. have been ablaze for a week.

They say it’s about immigration and, to some extent, it is.

The Brits rightly resent the unprecedented flooding of their country by migrants, the high crime rate they bring, and the looming threat of ethnic extinction.

The migrants believe they have a right to be there because the British government has told them so, and because, in many cases, the U.K. participated in the destruction of their home countries in the first place.

The recent explosion of violence was inevitable.

In fact, violence was the point.

Violence was also the point in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, which portrayed a world perpetually at war. Three superstates, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, constantly battled each other, switching alliances from week to week, trying to get an edge that would always be denied them.

There was no end to the war in 1984, because it wasn’t supposed to end.

War was the point.

Please read this exceptional post here…

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
5 months ago

Start looking around your communities for the “insignias’, the logos, the markings that have been in plain sight for years yet you never questioned. All the info is at your finger tips. In your assemblies, “Your churches”, your paperwork at court houses, in the masonry work of old buildings etc. etc.
Look at the logos and icons of all the Recent events, clubs, organizations, people who we see daily in the threads, search their names, their icons. Connect the dots. Do not leap to conclusions, but inquire, discern, and discover the world and the ‘veil’ before us.

5 months ago

That was a good and interesting read. Strategy of Tension. Once you know what it is, it’s easy to see that it’s being used.
As I said in another posts, riots and protests won’t work, but Unintended Consequences will.

5 months ago

It is said violence or the threat thereof is the only true source of power. Victory comes to the one with the bigger stick. I am saddened by what is happening to our brothers and sisters in the UK. I believe it was Alex Jones who said “The Answer to 1984 is 1776”. Pray the UK government will see the light.