Insanity or Desperation?

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2 years ago

If Tucker really is speaking truth and is not part of the lying fake newz media would they allow him to exist? Is he just controlled opposition? Who the hell knows right! It’s to the point now where nobody in media can be trusted. Maybe Pres.Trump’s new media platform will have a positive effect.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ely

Who knows the truth? I’ll remain on the side lines, not siding one way or the other with either country as what I’ve heard so far from Uke and Russia is considered propaganda. Understanding we are being lied to on such a grand scale in all areas and have been for year, doesn’t change how we will react and prepare. God’s will be done here. Keep the faith everyone.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Ely

Yep, believe the father of the death shot news media. Just off the top of my head, Stew Peters and James Corbett are good to watch.

As far as Tucker, he releases nothing that FOX does not allow. They need a certain viewership to make money. The dogs outside need a bone to keep them happy.

If anyone in the news cared, they would call treason, treason. They would call all those supporting the Ukraine Nazi lovers and point out how the Ukraine government has pushed Nazi policies. He does not, because he only says what he is allowed.

Another thing. Has he ever done a segment on the CDC stating that the masks do not work? Has he called all those that support the shot, murders? I do not listen to mainstream media anymore (have not for 10 plus years), so I do not know if he has. If not, he is controlled opposition.

For the treason think in this clip. If any service (ex or not) member supported terrorist in say Libya, Syria (yes the US created ISIS), etc.. they are terrorist. No matter if they where ordered too or not. We are still at war with terrorist and they aided them and that is treason and should be held accountable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

In order for us to be at war with anyone there must be a declaration of war by congress. Lacking that there is no way to hang a treason label on anyone. Congress has not fulfilled this duty since 1941…i

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Levying war or giving aid and comfort to an enemy. The or is the big part. You can be an enemy without a declaration of war.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

“Enemies” being the operative word and that is only determined by a Declaration of war.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

The definition of enemy from the Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language (1785). You only have to be a “A publick foe” and you do not need a declaration of war to be a foe.

E’nemy. w./,  [en?umi, French; iuimkus,
Latin.] I. A publick foe.
Ail thefe ftatutes fpeak of EnglilJi ftbels and Irilh enemies, as if the Irilh had never been in condition of fubjedls, but always out of the protedlion of the ‘»*• Daviei on Ireland.
The enemy thinks of raifing threcfcore thoufand men for the next fummer. Addifan on tie kVar.
z. A private opponent; an antagonift.
I fay unto you, love your enemiet. Mall.
3. Any one who regards another with ma- levolence ; not a friend.
Kent in difguife, Foltov’d his enemy king, and did him fervice Improper for a (lave. Sbakeff eare’ i King Lear
4. One that diflikes.
He that defignedly nfes ambiguities, ought to be looked on as an enemy to truth and knowledge. Locke.
Bold is the critick, who dares prove Thele heroes were no friends to love ; And bolder he who dares aver. That they were enemies to war. Prior.
J. [In theology.]   The fiend ; the devil.
Defend us from the danger of the enemy.
Common Prayer,

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

Carlson appears to be the only one on Any of the news sources that even attempts to ask pertinent questions and report as close to the truth as possible. He does this by continually asking questions the rest refuse to acknowledge, accepting what others say as fact, when it is in fact the furthest from the truth that it can possibly be. But everyone is saying it so that makes it true. Thats why we have become a nation of sheep, afraid to even venture that for every statement regarding this or that, there are questions to be asked. Science is not science unless it can be questioned. Facts are the same.