
The Islamic phrase “insha’Allah” is written إنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ‎ in Arabic (pronounced [in shā’a Allāh]) and is generally translated as “if Allah (God) wills” or “God willing.”

Select a city across the world and you will find support for Palestine (and Islam) with a few exceptions like Japan and China. I spent too much time in the past 24 hours trying to find verifiable information concerning the activities in the Gaza Strip and repercussions around the world:

  1. Information is extremely limited from the Gaza Strip since the Internet has been cut off. This may change with the help of Starlink from Elon Musk.
  2. The actions of Israel are vilified across the world and hard lines have already been delineated.
  3. People and governments forget the horrors perpetrated on innocent civilians in Israel and they forget the innocent hostages whose lives have now become forfeit.
  4. Israel cannot win a war against a unified Islamic caliphate. I believe this was the original intent of the October 7th attack. Even with the support of the United States and Western Europe, Israel cannot win. The question becomes whether Israel will launch nuclear missiles as a last resort and the consequences of a nuclear world war.
  5. The United States and Western Europe may have signed their death warrants with their obsessions with the new world order, climate change and arrogance.
  6. There are unsubstantiated rumors of US troops embedded in the Israeli offensive.

People have to start planning their actions because WWIII has been unleashed. Russia has defeated Ukraine but the news barely reports it. Ukraine’s support from the West has been severely diminished and the West will pay a huge price in this new world war as it has woke militaries and no supplies.

I do not like scenarios but we are now faced with a reality where the West has been infiltrated with Muslim supporters and terrorists. The Biden administration has enabled “fighting age males” to cross the border and then be transported across the country. So when (not if) they attack and instill terror in our nation, you should be considering and planning your actions now. And when you do, consider that this threat was placed and enabled by our “government” for their reasons so do not expect help from them. As Matt Bracken and LTC Murray discussed in their latest video, what happens when a Muslim police officer knocks on a locked down school and wants to come in when terrorists attack?

When you consider your actions, pray for guidance and remember what America stood for in the beginning. Divine Providence requires a firm reliance from Christians and this is even more important now in a religious war.

David DeGerolamo

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

‘star’ link?
Something wrong here. “after they lost connection due to suppression.”
i figure Israel cut off Gaza for good reason. The moment Joe Biden came in and started his good will “gestures,” i thought he was undermining what the Israelis were trying to achieve.
And no i do not Trust Elon as far as i could throw him!

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

many reasons, all said before.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Will ask ya this. What is Elon’s deal with x? Why so many names include X? Not to mention some of the other names he chooses for projects. Names have meanings and a purpose.

1 year ago

Yep,Musk is just a sock puppet for the PTB.

1 year ago

The Muslims should watch what they wish for. In ’73 the Israelis were loading the nukes on the strike aircraft, and it wasn’t a bluff.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rev

True, but Islam is the type Ideology where you have to show them not tell them.

1 year ago

Sigh. Never interfere with your enemies when they are busy killing one another. The (((Control))) of Amerika ever since the end of WWII has put us in this situation. I know here in the Gem State, the “Christian Zionist” mega church pastors and their minions are foaming at the mouth over this. My fear is they will indoctrinate enough young men and women to head for .mil and get blown to smithereens for the Khazarian Mafia. All wars are Bankster wars. But in this case, we may see mushroom clouds not only over Tel Aviv, but Mordor-On-The-Potomac. In the latter location, that probably would not be a bad idea. Life is a vale of tears. Bleib ubrig.

1 year ago

If Mordor on the Potomac comes to pass, my hope is that all the responsible politicians are in attendance in their front row seats.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

I would prefer life sentences in the most uncomfortable cells available so they can think about their sins until they die.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

Pastor Chuck Baldwin in Montana has a website if you’re looking for a man of God that is not 501c3. He is wide awake.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
1 year ago

This preacher shares the heart of Christ and challenges those who want the destruction of Palestine with the truth.
I’ve been shocked at the number of people who after questioning everything their goverment has been telling them since (fill in first event here), suddenly believes everything they are told by the main stream media.
That’s a serious disconnect.

1 year ago
Reply to  Don't mind me

Thank you for sharing that superb video!
I was praying this morning for God’s heart in all this incredible death and evil, and I truly feel too this honorable, insightful pastor is proclaiming the mind of Christ in praying for peace that is ULTIMATELY the salvation found only in the Lord Jesus Christ, for both Jews and Muslims. With fallen men there will never be any way out of this downward spiral of murder, destruction, and revenge. How remarkably the Lord has positioned this gentleman to have such insights as a convert to Christianity! I hope his balanced message will become viral in the Church.

1 year ago

You might try a history lesson into that piece of dirt God promised to Abraham and his descendants and what religious organization is behind the destruction and trying to build their “Kingdom”.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Carpenter

If memory serves me, Judea received the scepter promise. There is also a Birthright promise that was extended through Great Britain and the United States.

1 year ago

There is no birthright extended to Great Britain nor the United States. That’s false doctrine and the start of British Israelism by Herbert Armstrong. False prophets and fake bibles always attempting to steal the promises made to Israel. Bible scholars and modern day jackasses, who call themselves men of God, have down more damage destroying the word of God!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Carpenter

Your choice. we can agree to disagree.
To much about what he says about the lost tribes makes sense to me.
To me it is jack-ass-ery to think that we cannot today see the United states in the Bible, and the Blessings we as a Nation and Great Britain did receive. And now we should be able to see and understand why our many blessings are on the decline.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Carpenter

Another excellent video, thank you.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Thank You!

1 year ago

The AC and his minions are having a field day these days.He’s just waiting in the wings for his appointed time.

charlie hargrave
1 year ago

Not my circus, not my monkeys, Until they bring it here.
Any one studying history knows there is not a good side to anything in the middle east.
Making the whole desert there a sea of glass would not bother me.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Can we agree and see that there are Good individuals in these places?
It should bother all of us, because there is a pattern to all of this and the makings are here, have been here in the U.S. for some time..