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- Al Buckner on Finally, Tyranny Is Being Dissolved
- 173dVietVet on Finally, Tyranny Is Being Dissolved
- Eve of War on Paris Climate Accord – in the Dumpster
- kal kal on We Must Never Forget Who Is Guilty
- kal kal on We Must Never Forget Who Is Guilty
The “unicef” sign says it all, globalist run invasion of America.
Traitors in our government and the entire A-Hole and anti-American Marxist run bureaucracy. May they all croak to death while they are enjoying the foods they are eating and grown by our hard-working farmers. Me personally, I would poison all the food that is shipped into the government, so they all die horrible deaths, there wickedness has reached the heavens.
HIAS is Hebrew--Mayorkas was on the Board of Hias—-
The European leftists s-bag maggots who run their crappy nations are long time enemies of the U.S. and always have been, they play the game making the idiots who run our nation that we are great friends. the truth of the matter is, they hate us. I have family in Europe and many of them are as dumb as stumps, and I tell them that, I call them idiots for believing the lies of the fascists who run that crappy union. By the way, they are all imploding and being eaten alive with multi culture vermin scum illegal alien Islamics from third world sub-Saharan Africa and middle east nations. Their love union is almost at its end now, thank the good Lord he sent strong delusions on these fools, and they are in full blown turmoil just as we are.
Globalist agenda. Plain and simple!
In the early 1900’s, commies living in Europe determined that they would destroy Western Civilization by using multi-culturalism and diversity. It was then that they invented the word “racist”. The word was intended to intimidate White people out of the political debate about immigration, etc. They appear to have succeeded. Temporarily. Big trouble is on the horizon.
Yeah, the backlash that is forming is going to make Uncle Adolf look like a piker!
Related to subject:
This is a must see!
Asking for a friend… why doesn’t someone just toss a molitov cocktail into their tents? Every time they put one up. Or in a building?
No, really, like, serious question… we see people taking time, money, effort to video this crap and post it online to enrage and excite everyone. It’s a fucking tent? Take 30 seconds to tear it down instead of posting a video of it! Burn the fucker to the ground, repeatedly.
They stopped building abortion centers in Knoxville for a reason: WE KEEP BURNING THEM DOWN!
Every time one of these facilities appear down there, destroy it. No need to get violent with the people (though I like that option as well)… Just burn the thing to the ground, every time it rears it’s head.
An acquaintance of mine once said “You have to burn it down twice to be effective!” The insurance covers the first fire but they have to eat the second one.
How many abortion clinics are in your area? 68 according to what i saw.
How many have been burnt down?
Saw one story of arson where the suspect died while setting the fire.
Evil assholes are running our country. I hope I live long enough to see the treason trials and public executions of the traitors