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a follower
a follower
4 months ago

Knee jerk reaction- They can have em!

4 months ago

Finally, a web comment explained why Obama pivoted towards Iran and unfroze the Iranian billions. Those technically belonged to the previous government, under the Shah.
Obama, in releasing the funds, now had an alternative money spigot to rival AIPAC’s. He and Hillary also ‘liberated’ Ghaddafi’s gold after that.
(I speculate that’s why the good and great Shah -- he was, as is Bashar Assad -- accepted exile in the very US that sent the Ayatollah to depose him; it was take the deal or have civil war, and he was a true patriot.)

4 months ago

All the players are positioning their pieces. Yesterday I heard North Korea sent troops to Russia. Today Iran officially joins BRICS. I don’t see how we avoid a world war moving forward.

Elder Son
Elder Son
4 months ago

USA of Gay: We are the boss of the world. You will globohomo or we will sanction you and confiscate your money.

OMG! Iran called the USA of Gay the Great Satan!

You don’t have to like Iran to admit that this is a factual statement.


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How dare Russia!

Get the picture… AmeriKa?

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The immutable laws of toleration is upon you. You own it… Western White Man.