Iran One To Two Weeks From Nuclear Weapons Breakout

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3 months ago

…..they have been saying two weeks since 1982 ! forgive me if I continue to think “theater”…

3 months ago

For years now, the Israeli’s have claimed that Iran is near having a bomb. The Israeli’s have nukes in violation of international treaties. Don’t worry. Pakistan says if Israel attacks Iran with nukes, the Pakistani’s will give Iran some of their nukes. Maybe nobody should use nukes.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

Israel has hundreds of nukes of all shapes and sizes. They even possess small pocket-sized ‘neutron’ nukes--that can defend their cities without destroying them in the process. Right now they maintain cruise missile (with nukes) subs off the coast of Iran--maintained all the time FYI. And yes, Pakistan has pledged to back up Turkey with nuclear weapons should Turkey become involved in a conflict with Israel (looming now).

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago

I seriously doubt that once Iran ‘obtains’ a nuclear weapon or weapons, that they are immediately going to arm a bunch of missiles and fire them off at Israel. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Lets look at North Korea--and the craziest, mother-F’r on this planet has his finger on nuclear launch capabilities. Has he pressed the button. No.

The ability to use ‘canned-sunshine’ is a sobering and life-changing decision--and even the most whacky nut-jobs in this world (Pakistan, North Korea and India) have not used them--or even close to using them in a conflict/s. This horse$hit about Iran threatening Israel with the immanent use of a nuclear weapon is just a canard--a canard they play off the minds of the evangelical types who’ve been trained (like seals in Sea World) to clap their hands upon command and bow down to the wishes is Israel.

I think once Iran does possess a nuclear weapon--there will be a big standoff. A standoff as you see versus North and South Korea. Tense at times. But a rational détente. Either that or both countries (Iran and Israel) are burned down to the ground in nuclear fire. And nobody in their right mind wants that.

What the jack-wads in DC (the NeoCons and Military Industrial Complex) want is total regime change and a literal surrender of Iran to the ways before 1979--where the foreign oil companies actually ran the company through their puppet Emperor. Not going to happen. They want it to happen. They want an actual war with Iran. A massive one if necessary to go back to the status-quo of that country being under the heal of the USA. The main boy-fool in the US Senate, Boy-Butter-Graham is one of the primary talking elected pie-holes in the Senate is leading the charge (at all costs) for war with Iran.

Any war overt war with Iran and the USA will turn into a nuclear conflict as Russia and most likely China will become involved--and the world’s oil supply would be cut-off for months, if not years.. and this would practically destroy the western economies. If you think the inflation of the last couple years is bad--wait until they pull the trigger on Iran. You’ll be yearning for the good old day of 2024.

Most likely Iran already possess a limited number of nuclear warhead--and is keeping them in deep reserve for an expanded conflict with Israel and the USA. This is what I would do if I were in their shoes. You keep the aces close to your chest during play.

3 months ago

In Shia Islam their version of the Messiah, the “Twelfth Imam”, cannot come until there is a worldwide war. Thus, while we think of WW3 as a bad thing, to them it’s a feature not a bug.
But don’t forget their commitment to annihilating the US too. They’ve discussed using EMP weapons in their military literature and practiced launching rockets from ships to EMP altitudes in the Caspian sea -- making this a very real possibility:

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 months ago