Is 2020 History Getting Ready To Repeat Itself? If So, Will We RISE or FALL This Time?

I did not take the death vaxx or any or the “boosters” in their first round of the plandemic. It does not matter if this is a second round or an extension of the first but I will not comply. We see people “mysteriously” dying every day. Why would I take a “vaccine” that was designed to kill the proles, take away our Liberty and redistribute our wealth with the aid of the “medical” community?

Why would I follow their instructions to isolate myself and family until they deem it safe to restore my natural law right to freedom? What will you do if they come to your door for forced vaccinations? This is not a question designed to invoke an emotional response to a hypothetical situation. The question is designed for you to prepare for a situation where not only is your Liberty at risk, but also your life. Like most firearm shootings, time is a precious commodity for you to act when they come.

I hope that this scenario does not happen but I do question the timing. Is this another distraction from the evil posing as our government? The list of distractions grows longer each day. I trust in the Lord with all of my heart AND I keep my eyes and ears open.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Last Friday, both OffGuardian and InfoWars both ran essays on this topic.

OffGuardian reported warnings of grave new coronavirus threats in Europe.

InfoWars reported the warning from TSA and Border Security ‘whistle-blowers’ that masking and lockdown orders were to be issued here in the US in the Sept/Oct time frame.

You might not like these news outlets, or consider them reputable journalism. However, they have a track record of being ahead of the news cycle.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

And when you say, “us”, to whom exactly do you refer? Nobody and nothing was locked up last time in the state where I live or in any of the five states that border mine. And it won’t be one whit different this time. If you live in a state with a governor who thinks she can turn the whole state into an open-air prison, then get out of that state. If you don’t, then you’ll have to put up with whatever the population in your state will tolerate. It’s as simple as that. But don’t toss around the word “us.” There are PLENTY of states that didn’t before and won’t next time be “locked down.”

1 year ago

I love how people so flippantly say move,,,
like its some easy task to walk away from good paying jobs, years of work on a homestead or the like, decades of association with friends and neighbors etc and possibly prime realestate and excellent weather.
heres the other funny thing, how long untill your little utopia is just like everywhere else?
grass aint always greener

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yep, no matter where you go theres something awry.
ill take my chances staying put, nowhere is perfect, theres more to life than everything being done through a political lens. I could NEVER duplicate what i have where i live anywhere else, and certainly not with year round flip flop weather and year round growing seasons nor my lifelong acquaintances.
in the words of Sir Austin Powers,
”no matter where you go, there you are!”

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Nope, didn’t play last time around and won’t play this time.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

My oldest son informed me of this. He is paying attn.
“reputable journalism.” we should all seek our Fathers gift of discernment, of all sources.

1 year ago

In a flash vision received three or four mornings ago, there were four connected blocks, slightly rectangular in heighth distinctly outlined in black on the U.S. map with a yellow background, although with some perhaps particles of gray clustered (a mottled appearance) moreso on the upper to mid left, but throughout these areas of states. The other states on the map were yellow, but a shade or two lighter. Upon looking at an online map of the U.S. these states within these lines they are inclusive of Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri and there was one small section of the darker yellow extending above it as I recall, forming a small dome-like shape with a point at the top of these states. Perhaps something to do with the heat (a heat dome)?

Whether this indicates an issue or outcome due to the Yellowstone Volcano, Yellowknife Wildfire with air contamination and particles from the smoke, an unfolding situation with the Canary Islands, or other occurrence is unclear. However, with all of the states being yellow it may be something to consider in these regards.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

“Word of the Day Yarok: Ancient Hebrew for Green, and Yellow and Everything in Between”

“As is the case in many other languages the Hebrew word for “green” is related to vegetation: yerek. From the same root, the Hebrew word for vegetables is yerakot.”

“But there is another related word, yerakrak in the Bible.”…

“And what does the Bible say is very green? Well, for one, there are a bunch of skin diseases said to be yerakrak, but we really don’t know what they are, and can only hope they weren’t actually “very green.” Maybe it meant “quite yellow.””

“In the post-exilic period the word yarok became constrained in meaning, and the word tzahov, which appears in the Bible only in the context of hair growing out of some blemish caused by a disease and may have meant “blond”, began to be used in rabbinic texts to mean “yellow”. And thus latter-day Israelis have words for each of the colors, and confuse them no more.”

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Rev. 8:7 and some other verses, keep coming to mind with all the wildfires etc. going on.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago

and the plagues

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Interesting. Thank you.

1 year ago

David, mid-term lurker here. There is hope. For some reason, God called me (dragged me) into the pulpit about 14 yrs ago; i won’t bore you with the details but i pastor a small church in SE CT). Anyway, FFW to the Covid era. Even though i’ve always sorta been a contrarian (remember those “Question Authority car stickers? Where’d they all GO?), i almost gave in to “The Fear”, something about it set off my Spidey Sense(tm) almost immediately; i think it was that cruise ship wher so few people caught it even though at such close quarters there should have been a 90+%infection rate and a 20% death rate according to all of the “experts” and the media at the time. So after prayer (i did not seek advice from men) i announced to the congregation that the governor would have to send the Nat’l Guard or State Troopers if he wanted this church shut down and except for the time when I caught the coof and went to streaming (2 weeks) we remained open, active, and mask optional. And the Lord added to our numbers. Don’t get me wrong, we are still a small church, but our Lord is at work revealing what is coming, strengthening His people to stand firm, and growing His Kingdom; even in the most unlikely places and through the most unlikely people (me).
Reach out if you’d like to; ya have my electronic address now. Fair warning, i don’t check email more than 2-3x/wk and still have a flip phone. But the congregation knows this and cuts me some slack 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  scarecrow

“The Significance Of Yellow In The Bible”

“In the KJV Bible, at least two Hebrew words translate to our English word ‘yellow’:

Yellow is represented by two Hebrew words: charuts, referring to gold alloyed with silver or of sick skin (Psalm 68:13); and tsahob, referring to the color of hair or a patch of skin indicating leprosy (Leviticus 13:30). Both indicate a defiling skin disease.


Definition: gleaming, yellow
Original Word: צָהֹב

In Greek translations, we find at least three words that translate to yellow:


Definition: a chrysolite (a yellow gem)
Original Word: χρυσόλιθος, ου, ὁ

Definition: a chrysoprase (a greenish-yellow gem)
Original Word: χρυσόπρασος, ου, ὁ


Definition: orichalcum, or frankincense of a yellow bright color
Original Word: χαλκολίβανον, ου, τό

Its use in the Bible lends itself to symbolically representing gold or something of great value (Psalm 68:13), or something leprous or having leprosy (Leviticus 13:30, 32, 36).”

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

When I first read leprosy, I thought the mark and skin sores. I’ve always interestingly enough thought of leprosy as yellowish.

1 year ago

“I trust in the Lord with all of my heart AND I keep my eyes and ears open.” Sound and solid advice for the times we’re living in.
And God’s protection be upon all of His people.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Amen and on especially on you as well!!

1 year ago

I think they are testing some model of theirs, wondering how many people are now immune to the bullshit, and how many will do the zombie lockstep.

1 year ago
Reply to  vera

Eh. There I go again. Feel free to change my wording. Sorry.

1 year ago

It worked the first time….why wouldn’t the criminals in power try it again…even bigger and harsher.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Any attempt to detain or arrest me will be taken as a threat to my life and I will react accordingly. They will have to break down a 6 foot fence if they come to my house. I will not comply or surrender. ENOUGH.

1 year ago

In Illinois, Gov. Pritzker locked down the entire state. Including churches and schools, restaurants and bars. But every weekend he went, with his entire entourage, to Wisconsin where there was no lock down. He partied in public at popular taverns and grills. The MSM? Silence. Couldn’t let the sheep know. It looks like tptb are getting ready to do this again. Elections are coming. Easier to rig elections during a plandemic.

1 year ago

Nope, didnt go along the first time, sure as HELL wont go along this time or honestly ever again.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 year ago

I am a man that stays armed.
Should they come to my house for “mandatory vaccinations” and try to inject me or any of my household with these death shots, I will treat that as an assault with a deadly weapon and respond appropriately.

1 year ago

“VAXXED SWINE: How many Americans have been eating toxic spike protein particles for the past 5 years every time they consume pork and bacon? (op-ed)”

“If it’s true that you “are what you eat,” then millions of Americans are walking, talking, ticking health time bombs full of toxic virus-mimicking prions that were injected into the pigs they’ve been eating since 2018. Without telling consumers across America, certain state governments and Big “Farma” have been injecting pigs with mRNA “technology” for more than 5 years. In other words, swine have been “vaccinated” with the very same foreign proteins that more than 50 million Americans are avoiding like the plague (or at least thought they were).”

“Now, Big Farma is moving to inject beef and dairy cattle with mRNA cell-mutating technology, and many small-to-midsized cow farmers are bucking the “system.” Who wants to eat tainted meat? Who knows if they are right now, or have been for the past 5 years? There’s a good reason the FDA is not regulating this, and that’s because the FDA played a key role in the Covid-19 plandemic – fraud and manipulation of the public’s perception.”

“Eat that spike-protein laced, mRNA-injected pork and beef, and you might develop Turbo-Cancer real soon. The rapid progression of T-cell lymphoma, also called “turbo cancer,” has been well-documented where spike proteins from mRNA jabs served as a carcinogen catapult, feeding existing cancer cells, and propelling them to multiply exponentially and invade weakened tissue in the body.”

“So-called mRNA technology literally turns OFF genes that fight cancer, so by injecting cattle and swine with these shots, their meat is littered with billions of spike prions that humans are consuming regularly, even people who chose NOT to get vaccinated for Covid. Get it? It’s forced-vaccination for the populace, without consent, including the “fully unvaccinated” masses who eat pig and cow that Big Farma is shooting up with prions. Will you get Mad Cow Disease, or MSD – Mad Swine Disease?”

“Prions cause diseases and disorders of the brain and nervous system, not just the heart, as we’re seeing with the myocarditis cases skyrocketing across the world since the mRNA mass-jab rollout for Covid. Prions in the brain cause symptoms that rapidly worsen. Got seizures?”

“Prion diseases occur when prion proteins found throughout the body, like the spike proteins from mRNA shots, begin morphing into abnormal shapes and gathering in clusters. This destroys brain cells while creating sponge-like holes in brain tissue, leading to rapid decline of cognition, reasoning, and critical thinking skills. Victims also often experience involuntary muscle movements, confusion, difficulty walking, and mood changes. Sounds like almost every single human who’s been injected for Covid-19. Maybe it also applies to those eating spiked swine and “Covid cow.””

“Will doctors, scientists, the CDC, and WHO declare a “Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease” pandemic due to the spike proteins in people’s blood, digestive system, cleansing organs, and brain? Is it CJD or Spike Protein Syndrome?”