Is America a Christian nation? Pastors at odds about fusion of faith and politics

Outside the Capitol insurrection in January, a group of protesters carried a large wooden cross and a flag flew reading “Jesus is My Savior, Trump is My President.”

Some in the crowd embraced Christian nationalism, an ideology that combines Christian and American identities and promotes Christianity as the reigning religion. Research has found that adherence to Christian nationalism was a significant predictor of support for Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

Like other White evangelical Christians — a reliable Republican voting bloc for decades — they saw their support for President Trump rewarded with conservative judicial nominees and policies promoting “religious liberty.” But hundreds of evangelical leaders have condemned the “radicalization” emerging among those who identify as Christian nationalists.

The debate over what role religion should play in public life has never been more contentious, with some promoting a vision of Christian primacy that critics say tramples on the rights of everyone else.

Several pastors with very different points of view shared their thoughts in the new CBSN Originals documentary, “The Right’s Fight to Make America a Christian Nation.”


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3 years ago

America was founded by Christians (including many on my father’s side going back to Jamestown and Plymouth Rock). Growing up I had no issues with most of the people around me being Christian, nor do I have any now.
I wrote about that in Forward in Christ magazine:
To those Christians who celebrate it, happy Holy Week, and a wonderful and meaningful upcoming Easter.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

I think Easter is evil×2. The first evil is total violation of the commanded holy day on that day. (Habikkurim) .The second is the obvious pagan rituals….for instance , sunrise celebrations and various other evils. The multiplier is that you do these things and claim that they are somehow because of Gods one true son…

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
3 years ago

Mere attendance at churches or unread books on shelves or using certain languages or words or altered calendars or titles, means nothing. God knows those who have sought to know Him and He will bless whomsoever He chooses. Jesus paid the price, all sales final.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

The paganism is easy to see when one looks in to the “traditions” and where they come from. Knowing what to do and how to explain to others is the hard part. Most especially when there seem to be problems (traditions) throughout this world and in its ways. all sects, all tribes.
And it shall be that from New moon to New moon, and from Shabath to Shabath, all flesh shall come to worship before me, “declares YHWH) .
How do we get to here, without destroying each other and ourselves: ?

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

I think most Americans would still say they are Christians. Does that necessarily mean the national laws or the rules governing most religious groups , draw much inspiration from the actual Bible? I would say now less that ever. But most households still have a bible/Genesis-Revelation/ so there is hope.

Ack Ack
Ack Ack
3 years ago

“Is America a Christian nation?” The focus of concern at this late hour…..That’s why you’re losing, hands down.

3 years ago

America was Founded by a Majority of Christians, of many different sects. The Founders were well aware of the Dangers of Religion driving Politics; many of them Fled various Nations in Europe due to Sectarian Conflict. Thus the Constitutional Affirmation of Everyone’s Rights to Worship as they want, and Prohibiting the Establishment of a “State Religion”.
They Hoped that this would keep the Nation free from the Sectarian Wars that plagued Europe for Centuries. What they Failed to do was Prohibit a certain (((sect))) that Profited from Fomenting Wars.
That same (((minority))) promotes the Worship of the State, “Secular Humanism”, and behind that, in the shadows, satanic babylonian talmudism, with its Child Molesting and Ritual Sacrifice.
Unfortunately, the Majority of christians don’t even Know what that Is, nor (((who))) Promotes it, often through their own 501c3 ‘church corporation’ by way of the ‘schofield buy-bull’, and its promotion of zionism.
As long as ‘christians’ send their Sons and Daughters to Die in the Endless Wars for ‘eretz israel’, Nothing Changes.

3 years ago

Pastors in this country come in second to politicians in their race for the dollars.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago

Most are not familiar with the meaning of ”Christian”. Disciples of the Christ is a more accurate term. I suppose most anyone could be a Christian, to be a Disciple one must walk the walk. Faith without works is dead.

R Mac Gregor
R Mac Gregor
3 years ago

True Christians will go underground as the original Christians did🐟 The Fake church is the establishment and only care about 💵💸

Robert Orians
Robert Orians
3 years ago

“Gods will is of no concern to this congress” Jerry Nadler

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert Orians

Hey, Penguin- “God does Not Hear the Prayers of a jew”

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

That is a Prime example of taking a Stand. Noticed several officers seemed to agree.