Is America Headed For Another Civil War?

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4 months ago

We already are imo. Slowly. Antifa, Kenosha kid, etc. Both sides have drawn their lines and little “skirmishes” have been going on. This election and neither side willing to accept an opponents victory will be a big catalyst. As always there will be some “actors” to help it along once it starts and to nudge any fence straddlers along.

kal kal
kal kal
4 months ago

run to the fire and extinguish it!

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 months ago

“You’re at the table or you’re on the menu…”

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago

“At the table,” or on the “menu” --I like that.

4 months ago

This is a forth turning, one side will be vanquished.

The left has a unique problem: If the trump team aquires the power to release everything JFK/Epstein/Diddy and actually does so, then when the details become public, america and *the world* will DEMAND public executions. This is not an option for them. Nuclear defeat would be better for them.

This is existential for everyone. We are at war, and most of us are not going to make it. Keep your wits about you.

Last edited 4 months ago by Fido
tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago

It has been an open CW since they stole the 2020 election, there is only one side participating, globohomo usa. Without a shot being fired the communists or whatever you prefer to call them are in full control. The other side of the uni-party has been in league with their comrades the whole time, it does not look like there is any fight in the so-called patriot, I am not excluding myself, I guess we will see where this road to perdition ends up at.

4 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

,,,,to Tom and Fido ! you are spot on but it is going over the Normie heads and many here that see the 5th as the conclusion of this mess…..but speaking of the 5th…I’d rather have a bottle in front of me then a frontal lobotomy……….

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

I for one am glad you are back commenting.

4 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

…..just for a day or two until I sober up…..

4 months ago

You don’t need to be a brain surgeon to know we are heading at warp speed into civil war with there illegal alien armies as well as every Lawless federal agency whom have committed treason and sedition, there will be no mercy for these federal keystone pro sodomite, pro transgender nail polished up woke clowns.

Leonard Stevens
Leonard Stevens
4 months ago

You need two legitimate governments for a civil war. Since the biden regime is illegitimate! It would actually be a revolution!

4 months ago

The one from 1860-1865 was the second US war of secession, the war of Northern Aggression, or the war of southern independence. It was NOT war to try and take control of the central government by two sides. One just simply wished to leave. There were also two clear sides and a line of demarcation (the Mason-Dixon line). What is coming will truly be our FIRST civil war. There will NOT be battle fronts, but house to house aggression against those who have sided against freedom and liberty. It will make the 1860s look like a trip to Disneyland.

4 months ago
Reply to  MrLiberty

Bosnia X Rwanda. H/T to Matt Bracken.

4 months ago