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3 years ago

Sorry, I just can’t listen to the CIA controlled opposition mouthpiece with that gravelly raspy voice. Even if he is not on the payroll of that alphabet agency, he’s at best a showman and said as much on the stand at his nasty divorce trial several years ago.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Like him or hate him, he (A.J.) has been speaking the truth for years, and he has always backed up what he says with sourced, factual documents. And many others sounded urgent and dire warnings as well. The problem was this: not enough people were listening. But now with the prospect of economic poverty staring them in the face, the threat of permanent loss of their freedoms and liberties, the threat of forced vaccinations that have been proven to maim and kill them and their children; and having witnessed the rise of a worldwide, globalist-controlled, brutal totalitarianism, they’re starting to listen now, aren’t they? I hope so, because their very lives -- not only in this world but the one to come -absolutely depends on it.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

We have been in a CW for decades, it has been a one sided war until recently. Fema has been building these camps for 25+ years, the only difference today is we are awake to their tyranny. I have been preparing for a long time now, it now looks like they will be utilizing the camps pretty damn quick now. Hopefully you have been preparing as well get ready.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

The Rothschild / Rockefeller central bank controlled NATO counties are now the most tyrannical. The appointed communist / globalist heads of these countries absolutely despise God given rights. They are destroying everything that is good. There is no difference in the concept of concentration camps and Covid camps. In both you are a prisoner and a slave with no protection or rights. As Steve Quayle has stated “A shot in the arm or a shot in the head, either way you are dead.” Do not comply, and resist going to any concentration / Covid camps. Do not get in the box cars.
Who is John Galt? TEXIT!

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

I have listened to S.Q. for years. Like A.J., he was one of many others who have been trying desperately to warn the American people about the threat of globalist totalitarianism for years. We owe them a great debt. Thanks to them, the enemy is not shrouded in secrecy anymore. We know who they are. The battle is not over; it has only just begun. And by the grace of Jesus the Christ, we will win!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

Absolutely strider I have been listening to them for years.