Jacob Hornberger

In the healthcare-related controversy over whether President Obama is a socialist or not, it would be better to ask a more fundamental question: Is America’s overall healthcare system socialist or not.

Why is that important?

Three reasons.

First, socialism always produces chaos and crises.

Second, socialism cannot be fixed or reformed and any attempts at improving it only make the situation worse.

Third, if a doctor gets the diagnosis of an illness wrong, it’s likely that he’s going to get the prescription wrong as well. The same applies to the diagnosis and treatment of what ails the American body politic.

As everyone knows, for decades America’s healthcare system has been characterized by never-ending and ever-growing chaos and crises, especially with respect to constantly soaring healthcare costs. That should give us a hint on whether America’s healthcare system is free enterprise or socialism.

Moreover, no matter what healthcare reform is adopted, the chaos and crises only get worse, with the most recent example being Obamacare. That should give us another hint as to whether America’s healthcare system is socialist or not.

If America’s healthcare system is founded on socialist principles rather than free-market principles, then the next obvious question arises: Why not simply repeal and dismantle the socialism and embrace a free market in healthcare as the cure for what ails the body politic? That is, why not rid our society of the disease rather than trying to sustain, improve, or reform it?

So, what’s the answer?


h/t Hans

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