Is Anyone in Charge?

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Mary Combs
Mary Combs
1 day ago

I see this as a ‘backfire’ or ‘boomerang’ outcome of the deep state’s decades long propaganda project to get younger generations to believe the US is bad and should be disrespected. There will be people all over government that just don’t revere the US in the way that my generation did. Whether or not the guilty individual fits the traditional definition of “Spy” or not, the trait of patriotism contributes greatly to one’s willingness or not to maintain tight security. Hmmmm I wonder if that particulate propaganda project has crossed over the tipping point, and has / will become a major liability.

General 'Buck' from his phone
General 'Buck' from his phone
1 day ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

Question… What’s left to ‘revere’. now?

1 day ago

Well she is an Iranian after all…. What did you expect her to do? We hire CCP spies and give them our secrets then are shocked when we catch them giving them to their bosses…. What a bunch of morons…

Snotty boy
Snotty boy
1 day ago

No. No one is in charge. The ship of state is running on mere momentum. As long as the bureaucrats continue to show up for work, the ship of state will continue to sputter along.

1 day ago
Reply to  Snotty boy

Then shouldn’t we be standing next to their time clocks; armed with rifles? Maybe THEN; they would stop showing up for work. Their entire existence; is backed by “force”; so it will require “force”; to remove them. All other options are designed to fail.

1 day ago

Not my circus. Not my monkey.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
1 day ago

If Ariane Tabatbai was the person that actually leaked the documents, and if the documents are in fact correct and not fake, then, hopefully, her actions helped to prevent Israel’s insane desire for a major regional war that would drag the USA into it and would most probably could lead to WWIII. Who is $ John Galt?

2 hours ago

No evidence, my guess is this leak was approved, possibly even by Israel to throw off the Iranians.
I’m guessing Oil Fields after 06 Nov

1 day ago

Why would this filthy, foreign born, anti-American, towel headed, Iranian POS; that has already been exposed for treason against America; could even dare doing such a thing? Is she being used as a scapegoat? If she had been EXECUTED for TREASON when it was discovered; we wouldn’t be talking about her right now. Couldn’t risk exposing Hilary and Huma’s involvement; now could they.

1 day ago

Yes, It’s Blinken, Harris, the pervert sodomite Obama, pervert Garland, Liar Wray, and the entire Deep state council of traitors, these are the traitors and must be hanged for treason.

21 hours ago

Yeah….the FBI is going to “investigate”…and do NOTHING. Because the FBI is just as corrupt and treasonous as the rest of the left.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
20 hours ago

Well sometimes even communist. lesbian, blue-haired retards can do the right thing… this being leaking the military plans. If this merely delays or even kicks three legs out from Israel’s war plans, or even trashes it all together… this is a good thing. The last being the best outcome.