Is Anyone Paying Attention?

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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

We need stricter background checks for presidents!

Bruce A Wineman
Bruce A Wineman
9 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

I believe there were many that tried and all were rebuffed by “intellectual” idiots or ideologs. I want to know when we will be allowed to call him the “Enemy” vs. “Stupid”! I see those with the Microphone, Mr. Limbaugh, Beck, Levin (Hannity appears to be in it for the money alone), “Dance” around issues but seldom approach the issues with continuous pressure and a “Plan”. We talk to each other which is a limited audience at best and continue to get more frustrated. Any comments on how WE, those that pay the ultimate price, are going to be able to move ahead and decrease the amount of “pain” we will always have to endure?

Tom Angle
9 years ago

The talking heads are part of the dog and pony show.

Don’t forgot that the court also said We have no standing when trying to sue obama for his birth certificate.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

Bruce the ONLY plan that may have some chance of success involves things most would rather not face. Looking back at history and the history of this country it seems to me imperative that we humble ourselves before the Almighty, rededicate ourselves to His principles, followed by a move to a geographic area of the U.S. with the intent of gaining control of elected offices, seeking autonomy, and then sovereignty by whatever means are necessary and yes I understand it will not be any easier than the founding of the U.S. but see little alternative.

If anyone else has a plan the have my undivided attention.

Bruce A Wineman
Bruce A Wineman
9 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

I will not argue your point. If we look at history, this same group was dealt with during the Crusades and it will be now what it was then, very brutal. This is an issue that is framed around a Theocracy and the Religious aspect is not trivial. The Group from which I was soliciting a “Plan” was one with the “microphone” and they, in particular, have the power to organize a large enough group around a more peaceful approach. However, I don’t see that happening and the end result of that is we stand alone, divided but, hopefully, not conquered. Those working to “steal our “Freedom” have been very successful at the “divide and conquer” approach. This could be very brutal. I am old and only hope that this starts before I am unable to contribute to the fight for Freedom that we may face. The young should take advantage of speaking to those of us that have seen much and can teach more.

9 years ago

spoken like a true open borders, gun grabbing communist PIG

Fed up
Fed up
9 years ago

Is anyone paying attention to who we are electing? How the F*&^%* did this bastard ever get elected to anything much less the pResident of the United States of America?

9 years ago
Reply to  Fed up

Dem Bev Harris of Black box voting says he was elected via election fraud

Tom Angle
9 years ago
Reply to  Fed up

This is part of what yo get when you are under judgement.

9 years ago

Mark Levin was born September 21, 1957, is an American lawyer, author, and the host of a syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show. Mark is a long time member of the CNP according to a 1998 membership list. He has also been a speaker at the Council for National Policy for one Becky Norton Dunlop, Vice President for External Relations for Heritage Foundation, which is another story in itself.

Levin is President of Landmark Legal Foundation. He is also a Board member of The Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty, whose founder is fellow CNP member, Gary Aldrich. His fellow board member is, none other than, fellow CNP member, Edwin Meese III who holds the Reagan Chair in Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation. Other board members, (now deceased) include, CNP members, Paul Weyrich of Heritage Foundation, Free Congress Foundation, and ALEC; Reed Irvine of Accuracy in Media, now headed by Cliff Kincaid; and Howard Phillips of The Conservative Caucus and The Constitution Party.

Living board members include CNP members, Mr. Peter T. Flaherty, President, National Legal and Policy Center, Alan P. Dye, Esq. (legal counsel for American Legislative Exchange Council); Lt. Col. Oliver North; Ronald E. Robinson, Esq, President, Young America’s Foundation; Rep. Louis (Woody) Jenkins Chairman, WBTR-TV Channel 19; Alan Sears, (Staff Director of the Meese Commission) Esq., President and CEO, Alliance Defense Fund; Beverly LaHaye, Concerned Women of America.

In a biographical note on the website of the Young America’s Foundation, Levin “served previously in the Reagan Administration, including chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese, Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States, and Deputy Solicitor at the U.S. Department of the Interior. He represented Mr. Meese during the Iran-Contra (Ollie North) investigation and was a leading advocate for the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.” He is an MSNBC legal analyst, a contributing editor of CFR, CIA, and Skull and Bonesman, William F. Buckley’s National Review, and a frequent contributor to Human Events and the Moon owned Washington Times.

He is also a strong proponent of a Constitutional Convention, and wrote his book, The Liberty Amendments proposing a con-con. Sadly, he won’t listen to the many arguments against one. Levin states that he wants to foster a national debate about corrective actions. In fact, when listeners call into his radio show to present arguments against an Article V Convention, or a Balanced Budget Amendment, or a Convention of States, they are disconnected, their names put on a list, and they are not allowed to call in again. Like the rest of the pro-Constitutional Convention gang, Levin refuses to hear any arguments against it, to debate anyone who can present the dangers of another Convention, and like the rest of them, will use Saul Alinsky’s tactics of destroying the messenger, because they obviously cannot win on the merits of their own arguments. See, Mark Levin Refuted and Mark Levin’s “Liberty” Amendments: Legalizing Tyranny.
K Nelson

Bruce A Wineman
Bruce A Wineman
9 years ago
Reply to  Rich

I could NOT AGREE with you MORE! I mentioned him because he seems to be on the Right Track (pun intended). I agree with you on the issues of the “Article V” C.C. I was not aware of all the associations but you have provided more reason for not supporting him (and there are times that I flies directly against Hannity). The one association that I am particularly against is the Heritage Foundation, to which I had previously given money. When the current head was brought on board, R. Limbaugh interviewed him. I heard the “on air” interview and was specifically struck by the comment made that “Harry Reid was his FRIEND and he would tolerate no negative statements about Reid. At that moment, I decided that I could NO LONGER support “The Heritage Foundation”. I remain steadfast to this day. All of us that support the Constitution of the United States are forced to pay money to a Federal Gov’t that has NO problem with kicking our “Bum”. I recoil against paying money to have my “Bum” kicked as the Psycopath in the the movie “Dirty Harry”. I am facing a similar issue with the NRA and the “secrecy” that surrounds the issue of Grover Norquist. I have been a Life member since 16 y/o (in excess of 50 years). I know that Beck started that ball rolling and several times I have asked for an explanation as to the “issue” with NO return information. It is OUR money that keeps these organisations afloat. I want to feel FREE not part of the Proletariat!