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Yes he is right -- In my view, people have 3 things to focus on, 1) PREPAREDNESS per your channel. If we can’t eat or drink and retain our strength, if our family and community behind us cannot eat or drink and keep our loved ones safe, then the front line folks won’t have the strength or resolve to fight. 2) OUR INDIVIDUAL SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION -- by this I mean acknowledging, conserving and expanding our individual skills, assets and knowledge -- without which we are just an undifferentiated mass with little direction and motivation and 3) SHARED VISION -- we need to know collectively what we want as outcomes and drive every footstep in that direction.
The breadth and depth of the collective effort needed to achieve our shared vision is a lot more than testosterone and bang bangs, but tactical skills is certainly part of it and should not be spoken against. Faith is also part of it and should not be spoken against. Efforts to retake parts of our government should not be spoken against. The list is long. Every single person reading these articles has a valuable part to play and contribution to make.
Bannon is spot on. He sounds just like Alex Jones. He is right. The Great Reset is here and indeed there is a War for the World. The Globalists do indeed fret about We The People figuring out just what they are up to.
Get the book…lays it all out real clear.
I recognize the fact that no one can be 100% the way we would like them to be meaning, there are always things that we can disagree with for those individuals, like Bannon, that certainly appear to be ‘on our side’.
That being said, I watch the Warroom almost daily, 2x a day (morning and evening). My concerns with Bannon are that he is still a die hard Trump supporter. He has never (to my knowledge) challenged Trump openly on Operation Warp Speed and the fact that Trump has never admitted that he was wrong, duped, whatever on the kill shot. There is tons of evidence that it continues to kill, and maim, and Trumps hubris will not allow him to admit he was wrong. 2). Although Bannon makes election integrity a hallmark of his show, he does not point out the bad apples, aka deep state actors that Trump has endorsed. Like Dr. Oz, Perdue & Vernon Jones, a much publicized corrupt politician and alleged rapist. Vernon Jones is still interviewed by Bannon on his show.
There are sins of omission and commission. Maybe I have become too jaded after the last 3 years of seeing just how corrupt every institution is and how often the deep state (can you say ‘CIA’) uses the media to control the population and its thinking. Simply put, I like most of what he has to say but, I don’t trust him for some of the reasons I mentioned. I take from his show what is valuable to me and the rest I discard.
Brewer55, you are not jaded. You just sense something is not right. Someone like Bannon is called a limited hangout. What gets spouted out is real but they don’t reveal who is behind it. Deep state, globalists, communists etc etc etc.
When someone comes out of the closet and exposes 9/11, then I’ll listen. How can someone be an expert on tyranny and not know who was behind the false flag that got the war on terror going?
Covid brought the war on terror home to the war on us. The military industrial complex was used to crush foreign countries and the medical industrial complex is being used to quietly crush our country.
Stan Very perceptive comment. The “limited hangout” tag works for Steve Bannon but he is coming around slowly to the bottom of the rabbit hole. This is why I posted the link to the new book “The Great Reset and The War for the World”by Alex Jones. In this book, #7 in the World today at Amazon, Alex goes right to the deep end of The Swamp so that folks get the big picture.
William, that compliment meant a lot to me. I’m proud to stand with you in this fight for freedom and against tyranny.
If Trump came out now against the “vaccines” and warp speed -- all the politicians and all the leftie sheep and all the lame stream media and all the Hollywood stars would double down on it. Trump never mandated for the clot shot -- taking it was always an individual choice from a Trump perspective. People also tend to forget that throughout that period, Trump never varied from the States Rights position. The Dem governors that locked down their states, and that mandated for health care workers to get the shot or get fired, showed us all what the world could have looked like. I’m not 100% sold on his continuing the narrative on the gene therapy that the CDC and Big Pharma calls ‘a vaccine’. Sometimes, there are no right answers. I’m sitting on this fence for the moment.
Respectfully, Mary, you are carrying his water and excusing inexcusable actions. He did not mandate it but, he stated when it came out, up to recent history, that it was wonderful and how fast he got it out. This is a lie of omission and commission. He touts his clot shot saving millions world-wide. He has never retracted that statement. He allowed the lockdowns and he kept Fauxchi and scarf lady on the payroll spewing their lies during his presidency. To this day Fauxchi still has a platform because he was not outed and fired previously.
He has barely said a word about the January 6 patriots that showed up to his event with over 50 still rotting in jail. He was president until Biden was sworn in and he could have taken some executive action before he left his POTUS position. Not doing that he should have been ringing a loud clarion bell about this injustice.
The left went after him for ANYTHING he did with a fervor. They could not have done more had he been honest once the information came rolling in, very early mind you, on the detrimental effects of the bioweapon. So, to say he would get hammered more so by the left does not carry any weight.
Sorry, your dog won’t hunt.
Mary; This is no time for “fence sitting”. That is precisely what the Deep State Criminals hope we will do. The Globalists want us to sit on the fence and watch the tanks and APCs roll into town with the armed IRS agents. Study the facts and get over the cognitive dissonance you are having trouble with. David Icke clarifies the Trump thing very clearly.
Mary, Mary, Mary, my Spidey sense went up during Donald’s Inauguration speech. He boasted that he was going to drain the swamp. Who warns criminals that they are coming for them?
On 9/11, Donald did a street interview where he said that planes alone couldn’t have brought the towers down by themselves. He said explosives would have been needed. As President, with the world as his audience, he could have drained the swamp by unraveling the 9/11 false flag. He never did.
Instead, while campaining for prez, he said that on 9/11 he saw dancing Muslims, not dancing Israelis celebrating the towers falling. This was in agreement with the gubmint narrative and helped hide Isahell’s involvement. It’s time for to quit making excuses for Donald.
Same. I won’t forget that Trump spent the first two years of his Presidency licking Ryan’s boots, picking swamp creatures, and backed away from any funding or real action on the border while he pushed DACA amnesty nonstop. There were other issues like the budget and the fact that he picked his Supreme Court nominees on one issue, abortion. Now we have two leaning liberal judges which vote more often than not with the liberals or equally bad, what Club for Growth wants. The best thing about Trump was NOT Trump but that he was able to unite the serfs to a cause which continues today. The serfs continue to wake up and rebel. Trump’s talk is great but he has proven that very often he does not walk his talk.
I voted for Mr Trump twice. Never again! For a nice review of the Trump phenomenon see this piece by David Icke.
I did also. Thanks.
You said it very well and picked up on the statements that I did not make. I think what bothers me a lot, on a personal level, is that I was taken for a ride by voting for this man not once, but twice. I was guilty of ‘Hopium’ and I was led astray.
Me too. I will not make this particular mistake ever again. right now I like DeSantis.
DeSantis has proclaimed Florida to be the most Isreal friendly state in the country. Good luck with Ron.
It was kaput when I was born in 1970.
The peasants are coming, the peasants are coming! I think not. Any hint of an actual “uprising” and it will be met the full onslaught of the federal, globalist government. Like it or not you now live in an occupied country and the sooner you acknowledge that the better off you will be.
Does that mean you cannot or should not resist? Of course not but as in occupied France the resistance was an unorganized organization. It will take a leaderless resistance focused locally to build community of like minded folks to gain control of your own AO and work outwards from that point.
The incarceration of the January 6th “insurrectionists, putting leg irons, the persecution of Steve Bannon and the raid on Mar a Largo are all meant to send a message. They are in charge and will do what they want to do. Navarro and Bannon are out free but the everyday folks still rot waiting for trial or have been sentenced to jail or prison.
Heed the messages they send. This does not mean do not do anything. It means do not do anything stupid. I agree with Mr Bannon that they do fear the peasants and they will be willing to try and crush any resistance. They will continue to infiltrate any group they deem a threat to take them down. They will continue to use provocateurs to create groups and threats that in actuality do not exist. They have played the long game for the last 7 decades or more and believe that victory is within their grasp and they do not intend to give up control at this point. They intend to bring the whole system down and will resort to WW III as a last resort if they believe that they are losing control.
2022 and 2024 will not resolve the inherent rot that has infested the system to its core. Be smart. Do not be just another spoke in the wheel. Be the monkey wrench in the gear works.
Both we and Russia have always fomented insurrection in other parts of the world. China has learned from both and is actively doing likewise. You are correct that provocateurs within our own country will do everything possible to get us to fall for their ruse. At some point things will go kinetic. We don’t have to start it. They will. Whether it be by their Brownshirts (BLM/Antifa) or Blackshirts (IRS, CIA, FBI, DHS etc.), it makes no difference. False flags, starvation, rampant crime -- no matter. Individual and underground is all we really have at our disposal by way of resistance. Forget restoring the republic. It will never happen. We are in for a long, hard fight for nothing more than survival.
FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner
I voted for Trump both times, after much thought I regretted the second vote.
[…] Steve Bannon is telling us that the government is afraid of the people. The proposed “restructuring” of the CDC is an example of why he believes this. […]
They do not fear we the people, that is just my opinion, they just do these things to quiet the masses, and move there agenda along.
Yeah that is a liberty kind of thinking. Other words fascism. I have seem what the government will do and this is why we are here.
So is he saying vote more and increase the government’s power? I say piss on that. You want to fix it, remove those evil people in power (never let them hold any power ever again), punish all who partook in the crimes (don’t give this crap they did not know), reduce the government to as small as possible and tar and feather people who suggest that government is the answer to a problem.
He is right, the only thing they fear is a revolution and not a voting one.
FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner Another scumbag FBI agent.
we all know what needs to occur, it is that which is unstated, not publicly voiced, yet it lingers right on the edge of our collective tongues. The unimaginable task that none of us wants to see happen but in our hearts we all know that is the thing, the only thing, that can avert the destruction of this republic. The happy dreams of prep, just leave me and mine alone on the homestead, is exactly that a happy dream. We are now living in the time of nightmares. When does that “thing” happen? When is it too late? A morsel to ponder.
Here it is Kal: That which cannot be spoken has been written.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? […] The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!”
—Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
“Is he right?” … dunno… sure I’d like to know, I always want to know the future, makes it easier to plan for… but sometimes, it doesn’t really matter:
If he’s right, yeah! we win, yeah us. If wrong, maybe we lose, boo-hoo, I’m dead. Sure, I got a preference, but it won’t affect my behaviour one iota, either way. I don’t have a choice. I’ve heard the sooner I accept my slavery to better it will be, but the truth is that slavery is unacceptable. I can fight against it, and win, or lose, but not fighting against it? I have no way to do that. It’s not an option. It’s not even a possibility. I cannot concieve of any way the laws of physics would permit that to occur… maybe after a lobotomy, but that’s just a different death of who I am. I can die, but I cannot accept slavery, any more than I could just walk off a cliff, or blow my own brains out.
If I knew the outcome were predetermined failure, it could not influence my behavior, other than to perhaps harden my resolve, my heart. I don’t have to win. I don’t have to live. I don’t have to die. My only moral responsibility is to ensure that no one profits from my death. I *must* make it costly.
Take, for example, the US involvement in Ukraine. Here is the planet’s only World-Class Statesman stating the true facts.