Is It Just A Coincidence That Two Amazing Signs Just Appeared On The 14th Anniversary Of 9/11?

9-11 Flight 175 Hits The World Trade Center

Is it just me, or does our world seem to be getting stranger with each passing day?  As an attorney, I was trained to be level-headed and skeptical, and in my writing I typically stick to facts that I can prove.  But lately, a whole lot of things have been happening that I don’t have any rational explanation for.  Just look at what happened on Thursday.  On the eve of the 14th anniversary of 9/11, a double rainbow appeared over the site where the World Trade Center towers once stood.  We’ll discuss possible meanings of that sign in a moment.  On Friday, a massive bolt of lightning caused a crane to collapse at the Grand Mosque in Mecca in Saudi Arabia.  At least 107 people were killed and at least 238 others were injured.  It turns out that this crane was owned by “the Saudi Binladin Group”.  If that is a coincidence, it is an awfully bizarre one.

The Grand Mosque surrounds the holiest site in all of Islam.  So the fact that photos are circulating all over social media that show “the polished tiled floor of the mosque covered in rubble, bodies and pools of blood, and people fleeing the area bleeding and covered in soot” is a very, very big deal.

Not only did this happen on the anniversary of 9/11, it also took place just before the Hajj is to begin


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9 years ago

There will be signs and wonders…
A series of solar storms measuring G3 or greater have occurred this morning, which is already affecting the HF (high frequency radio) bands negatively. Currently, coms on HF are useless.
Strong possibility of additional activity over the next few days.

Set up an account to receive future alerts at the Space Weather Prediction Center.

You can also go to (and bookmark) the band conditions page (when Internet is up) and see real-time band conditions in North America.

Got comms???