Is it now time to go Galt?

Is it now time to go Galt? This is the question asked by Judson Phillips on a Tea Party Nation article. His premise is to go “selectively Galt”.  Selectively going Galt will have minimal impact. Especially when your decisions are to be based on which companies contributed to which political party. We must first come to the understanding that the political parties are the problem and not the solution.

Going Galt is simple: you take a moral stand to not support evil in any manner. Supporting a company which is the lesser of two evils or based on contributions to the Republican party does not eliminate evil or bring about meaningful change.

Ayn Rand’s John Galt did two things: he did not participate in a system doomed to fail and he removed the people necessary to accelerate the collapse in order to rebuild the country as soon as possible. If it isn’t food, gold, guns or God (tithes), don’t buy it. Get rid of your stocks, bonds and retirement accounts: you are only aiding the system.

Ann Barnhardt said it best: if it is 1’s and 0’s, it is not your property. The first step to going Galt is to take charge of your own assets.

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