Is It Too Late for Justice?

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

None of them will be perp-walked. Anyone who seriously tries to effect the RoL on these people will be arkancided, lose control of their vehicle into oncoming traffic, accidentally fall on to the subway tracks…or “die suddenly.”
Maybe a better response, are there even 10 good men left in the govt who would be brave enough to take them down? I doubt it.

1 year ago

All the proof in the universe is irrelevant. There is nobody in any position capable of holding them accountable who has any intention of doing so…and that includes about 95% of the GOP congresscritters. It is and will continue to be business as usual….corrupt business.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Why should any American be subject to a system that does not hold the law makers and the law enforcers accountable?

1 year ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

What would you propose? Not being subject to an American system of law and law enforcers entails being off of its economic system. Why hasn’t the church system implemented biblical economics? It further connotes having your own territory (this is not a reference to church buildings), but where will the people go? The corporate Christian church system decided not to engage in politics, the cultural front, and is more interested in adherents to their (own brand of) religiosity than in actively seeking change agents, and what about countering the birth rates being below replacement rate?

Glenn Guest
Glenn Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

I’m not proposing anything. I’m just pointing out that if laws do not apply to everyone equally, then the country will collapse into anarchy.

Glenn Guest
Glenn Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Anarchy first, then tyranny. Anarchy will be the “justification” for tyranny.
One of the definitions of anarchy (Merriam-Webster)
“a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority”

Last edited 1 year ago by Glenn Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  Glenn Guest

Which is what they are drumming up with not prosecuting criminals while at the same time prosecuting men like Daniel Perry for removing violent filth from the subway system in NY. BLM and antifa are their means along with Soros DA”S

1 year ago
Reply to  Glenn Guest

If you’re not proposing anything, then that’s a really big statement to make without anything to back it up. This is representative of most churches in the country (being reactionary).

Glenn Guest
Glenn Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

My statements are backed up by human nature and history.

Last edited 1 year ago by Glenn Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  Glenn Guest

Implying a correlation or even a historical trend pointing towards political upheaval based on a current set of conditions is positing something different than your question about why Americans should be subject to its system of law. You were obviously expecting input or reactions. Thereby, if you’re only wanting responses from others but have no formed thoughts of your own as to that answer or its logical consequences, it indicates that the subject matter is one that’s outside of the purview of pastoral influencing, which points out the larger issue of why churches are not movers and shakers in the socio-political spheres and as pertains to sound economic policy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Z-la it’s easy to complain, how about some solutions as clearly you spend a great deal of time and research on your missives.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

That was not complaining, but rather pointing out a discrepancy, and as initially posted, I highlighted some issues that would contribute to shifting the power structures; implementing biblical economics which posits that there is essentially work within one’s skill level and ability available to all, even the poor such as with the ‘gleaning system’. Having territory; this is all the more important with the socio-economic stratification in which people have limited or no mobility. Also, as to replenishing birth rates, they have to cultivate mature men, and not those with the entitlement mentality of staying single their entire lives and thinking they have license to ask and demand women have abortions. There were plenty of things mentioned. Perhaps you were wanting descriptives.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Sorry for the slow reply. Real life sometimes interrupts internet life.
Short version, critters found a fence escape. Had to get them back home and find-repair fence issues.
Good neighbors are a blessing. Like a fruitful garden, good neighbors are an ongoing process. Mistreat or ignore them then like weeds overtake a fruitful garden you lose good neighbors.

Maybe that inability to treat neighbors well and give thanks when they help you *MIGHT* be why folks complain they have nobody to be trusted with their backs in SHTF.

We are too busy to find time to help our neighbors, maybe?

Back to your complaints the Organized Church IS the Problem.

While it’s nice to blame something else for people’s behavior problems it’s not intellectually honest.

God didn’t create obedient robots, He created Free Will in us.
In Genesis 4:8 Able killed Kane with a rock over jealousy.
Did an Organized Church fail its job here? No, it was proof that God DID Give us free will and that man is responsible for our own behaviors.

In Genesis 19 24 God had to destroy Sodom and Gomorra for homosexual behaviors and violence. I note the God had his servants AKA Angels pull out the righteous family of Lot. I notice the Angels were quite forceful about that rescue. I also notice that Lot’s wife disobeyed about looking back towards that Sin filled city and was destroyed.

Again, free will, personal responsibility for one’s own actions and even mass punishment was shown.

Blaming Organized Churches for the bad behavior of humans is like blaming the weeds you didn’t destroy by weeding for overtaking your once fruitful garden.

Even in Bible times there are plenty of scriptures pointing out how it was BAD to be lazy, slothful, arrogant and so on.


Thessalonians #: Warning against Irresponsibility
…9Not that we lack this right, but we wanted to offer ourselves as an example for you to imitate. 10For even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “If anyone is unwilling to work, he shall not eat.” 11Yet we hear that some of you are leading undisciplined lives and accomplishing nothing but being busybodies.…

Even Communists know this basic truth:

Vladimir Lenin, “He who does not work shall not eat” is a necessary principle under socialism, the preliminary phase of the evolution towards communist society. The phrase appears in his 1917 work, The State and Revolution.

So BAD Behavior isn’t something that came about due to some failure of Organized Religion.

Organized Religion is a creation of a free willed people and thus is subject to the same errors of them.

Some very GOOD things come from Good People Organizing to do Good things. Some truly evil things come from Evil People Organizing to do EVIL Things.

Evil thrives in secrecy. Even in the early Church they had to address this:

Matthew 18:15-17
15 `If your brother does something wrong to you, go to him. Talk alone to him and tell him what he has done. If he listens to you, you have kept your brother as a friend.

16 But if he does not listen to you, take one or two others with you to talk to him. Then two or three people will hear every word and can prove what was said.

17 If he does not listen to them, tell the church. If he does not listen to the church, treat him as one who does not believe in God and as bad as a tax collector.’

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

ANY Organization is subject to these very human behavior issues.

If you doubt that let us look at the Department of INJustice (spelling intentional). Or maybe the FBI and the recent revelations of their false attacks on a sitting President.

Faith in God isn’t a natural occurrence that a baby suddenly becomes aware of God and chooses to serve Him. Most of us learned our Faith from Organized Religion or home-schooled faith in action of our parents.

So, Z-La please ponder a different drum to beat upon, the Organized Church is filled with imperfect people, SOME serve a Perfect God.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Well said.
Our greatest problem is when we yield to our own nature rather than yielding to the will of God. This is the problem with many Churches, many families, many individual’s lives and indeed our country.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pastor Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

When does personal responsibility become hyperindividualism? Getting some instruction as to one’s faith, but not having a physical expression of that as pertains to how money flows in this country and in relation to other countries, and how it can inform, shape, and transform many different environments from the personal to the workplace, maritally and in getting away from cultural backwardness then that defeats the need for an organized church system. How is this then different from other corporations that do social and ostensibly spiritual outreach?

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Could you please use simpler words Z-la?

I don’t know what you tried to say.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

This goes as to some of the points I was making. Also, in rethinking nationalism America has shown it doesn’t have the personal, social, political, religious, and economic responsibility to even moderately administer it, rendering it as a would-be dangerous and unstable prospect here. Whatever aspects of it that previously existed, they weren’t able to maintain. It seems like the church system would thereby be the coordinating organizer of society or would that be the government? This question has to do with who structures society.

“The Church has not yet in its apostolic character made the transition from an individualistic to a social period which historic movements require. When it does take its social responsibility seriously it all too often thinks of society as a physical and not a spiritual form of human existence and it tends, therefore, to confine its care of society to interest in the prosperity and peace of men in their communities.”

“This thought of pioneering or representational responsibility has been somewhat obscured during the long centuries of individualist overemphasis. Its expression in the legal terms of traditional theology is strange and often meaningless to modern ears. Yet with our understanding of the way that life is involved with life, of the manner in which self and society are bound together, of the way in which small groups within a nation act for the whole, it seems that we must move toward a conception similar to the Hebraic and medieval one.”

“In our time, with its dramatic revelations of the evils of nationalism, of racialism and of economic imperialism it is the evident responsibility of the Church to repudiate these attitudes within itself and to act as the pioneer of society in doing so. The apostolic proclamation of good and bad news to the colored races without a pioneering repudiation of racial discrimination in the Church contains a note of insincerity and unbelief. The prophetic denunciation of nationalism without a resolute rejection of nationalism in the Church is mostly rhetorical. As the representative and pioneer of mankind the Church meets its social responsibility when in its own thinking organization and action it functions as a world society, undivided by race, class and national interests.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Z-la do you have a copy of the Declaration of Independence? Maybe the Constitution?

What role does Organized Religion have in those foundational documents?

That will answer your questions.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

The context was not per se in regards to ‘congress making no law respecting an establishment of religion’, if that’s what you’re referring to, but rather the types of institutions and their uses, financial organization, food availability and distribution and the things that regulate day-to-day lives. That should have been clear or at least implied with the social perspectives given. Who regulates these things, the government or church system, and who is supposed to?

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Please re-read my above comment.

Religion was indeed woven into the warp and woof of the Founding Fathers ideas and ideals.

Faith is something CRITICAL when things get nasty.

Bashing Churches nonstop doesn’t make you clever Z-la. Anybody can bash things. I hope for reasonable discourse on solutions to the real-world problems.

Alienating about half the people on this list bashing organized religion seems counterproductive.

Government without morals is worse than useless. It’s tyranny.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Where does all of this leave religion today?

“The Constitution was reticent about religion for two reasons: first, many delegates were committed federalists, who believed that the power to legislate on religion, if it existed at all, lay within the domain of the state, not the national, governments; second, the delegates believed that it would be a tactical mistake to introduce such a politically controversial issue as religion into the Constitution. The only “religious clause” in the document--the proscription of religious tests as qualifications for federal office in Article Six--was intended to defuse controversy by disarming potential critics who might claim religious discrimination in eligibility for public office.”

“That religion was not otherwise addressed in the Constitution did not make it an “irreligious” document any more than the Articles of Confederation was an “irreligious” document. The Constitution dealt with the church precisely as the Articles had, thereby maintaining, at the national level, the religious status quo. In neither document did the people yield any explicit power to act in the field of religion. But the absence of expressed powers did not prevent either the Continental-Confederation Congress or the Congress under the Constitution from sponsoring a program to support general, nonsectarian religion.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Read the founding documents, not the regurgitated analysis of “Learned Men”.

That’s why I suggested you read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bible with your own eyes.

Not the baby pablum from “Experts”. (Even me LOL)

As an amateur historian I understand that our country was populated by many religious sects that often fled here to avoid oppression from “Official Religions”.

Much of the founding fathers’ letters reflect that concern.

It’s Freedom OF Religion, NOT Freedom FROM Religion.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La


Last edited 1 year ago by GenEarly
1 year ago
Reply to  GenEarly

We dont deserve any of this shit. They do. They committed treasonous acts and used the power of state agencies(FBI) to suppress all resistance. Never forget that, regardless of our response. Though I agree its pathetic that most American men care more about their woke sports teams than the direction their country is heading. I cant blame people for fear of speaking and acting out when they look at the J6 prisoners locked away for years without due process and then when it comes its kangaroo court with a marxist judge and a liberal social justice warrior jury. No it is and always will be they who deserve it

1 year ago

This is like shooting BB’s at a battleship. Absolutely nothing will come from this. Nor will anything come from the congressional investigation into the Xiden crime family.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

As to the question in your title?
Errr.. yes, sorta.
There will be no justice within the system, if thats what you mean? I still hold hope, however.

1 year ago

How dare you mis-gender government workers as “men”.

1 year ago
Reply to  checkers

Haha. Right.

1 year ago

There will be no justice. Our conquerors have made a dog to be king over us to taunt and to shame us. Their ideological minions and those they have bribed are rife in government and the bureaucracy. For decades we have stood by squinting our offended eyes at their perversions, wrapped in The Flag, exclaiming “but…but…but…first amendment!” while our enemies and would-be conquerors worked in education, the courts, legislative bodies, media, GoSports! TM, entertainment and religious institutions to “turn the big ship” one degree at a time. Our cowardice, silence, paralysis, obliviousness and complacency are all come home to roost. There will be no justice. God expected the Israelites to stand against the philistines, the canaanites and the baal worshippers, not to stand by and allow them to “exercise their right to free speech”. Again I quote Lamentations 5:22- “But Thou hast utterly rejected us; Thou art very wroth against us.” The First Amendment only works for the righteous. We hid behind the first amendment and gave away America to our enemies. We lost Our Republic. We could not keep it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound

This ultimately sums up what the corporate Christian church system did to America. They wanted dumbed-down submissives in accordance with their false application of Romans 13 and other according doctrines, and those men and women who would question and balk at why they didn’t influence and impact the social realm, i.e., ending abortion or not allowing it to begin with, addressing and in dealing with unwed teenage mothers and fathers, ensuring the fathers work and have access to gainful employment, as well as in their own churches and elsewhere along with mitigating poverty and collapse in the ghettos and throughout much of the lower and middle economic classes, were very much dismissed and shunned from these churches, largely being labeled as malcontents. This largely describes why these churches are in this predicament today; no formidable sway on any pertinent subjects, topics, or affairs in any realms. The ramifications of which are not even fully realized yet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Agree. Most(not all) churches care more about their 501c than about doing the right thing. I have wathced time and again as pastors who I once respected, cave and support evil organizations and men and women. Shower blessing on them when they should be chastising them. Look at all who closed their church like good government lackies during covid while at the same time liquor stores, strip clubs, big corps like walmart were allowed open. No ,black robes pastors exist only in history now. Today so called pastors(again with the exception of a few) will have a lot to answer for before God.
Nevertheless bickering among ourselves over verbage only aids the evil ones. They seek to infiltrate and divide. To demoralize. I may disagree with people here on issues but the fact that we are here should be proof that on the issues that count we are all on the same page and need to support one another more and stop bickering about shit that in the larger picture of what we are facing does not mean squat. Hang together or hang separately

Last edited 1 year ago by grif
1 year ago
Reply to  grif

Even most of the churches that stayed open during the Covid-19 pandemic were fully committed to the varied theaters of operation (coercing churchgoers to get vaccinated, social distancing, shunning those who didn’t, or they found ways to partially comply). Therefore, the point about if the churches that closed during this had stayed open in defiance of the mandates, would it really have made a difference, or much of one, if they were still following the protocols in their workplace, social settings, homes, vehicles, and even outdoor venues? How effective at dodging or avoiding the Covid atmosphere were those individuals from churches that closed in actuality?

“Do Powerful Demons Run Religion and Government Through False Prophets?” RealFaith by Mark Driscoll

“Come Out of Her, My People!” -- TiborasaurusRex (re: fake Christians destroyed America)

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound

Hence the awesome and reluctant use of “justice” by the hand of the citizens, who inherently have the power of Self-Defense. We originally granted this authority to governments, We thus can reclaim it when governments under the color of law go rogue and criminal.We can constitute New governments to secure these inherent rights.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Vote harder.

1 year ago
Reply to  Godhelpus


tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

The constitution gone, voting gone, bill of rights gone, justice gone, they will do as they please. What is our options? One option left, the right of self defense.

1 year ago

Justice served late is better than not at all. It’s time to start erecting the gallows on the capitol steps. Those who have said the system will never hold itself accountable are correct. The evidence is right before you. That task falls to the people, but it is important to remember that the guilty have used their coin to persuade enough others to stand before them in defense and it’s going to be necessary to deal with these misguided individuals as well. I am fine with doing so, though, as by taking the crown’s shekel in exchange for protection, they have proclaimed their guilt as well.

1 year ago

“Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”

1 year ago

It is never too late to prosecute, or so the fed says to the little people.