Is Jenny Beth Martin’s Personal Payday Saving Liberty?

The premise of who is leading the Tea Party always struck me as divisive. Can you ask “Who is Liberty”? I do not have fond memories of Tea Party Patriots or Jenny Beth Martin. Most people have forgotten her attack on the first Tea Party Convention with Sarah Palin. I met Amy Kremer, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots at this event, and actually was seated next to her for the dinner when Sarah Palin spoke. Ms. Martin was a topic of discussion between us during this dinner and I was very surprised to learn about Ms. Martin’s character and actions that evening. But then there are two sides in any disagreement. However, eventually the truth does come out as shown in the article below.

I will never forget the attack on Amy Kremer by Jenny Beth Martin, Glenn Beck and Yvonne Donnelly (who did call Amy after the show and apologized) on one of his segments. I will never forgot the personal attacks on me one Saturday afternoon when Tea Party Patriots was organizing a takeover of all Tea Party groups in North Carolina. Fortunately for me, the majority of the group leaders did not choose to follow them after their attacks. I will never forget Matthew Ridenhour’s defense on my behalf that afternoon.

But do not think this is an article attacking the various factions of the Tea Party: they are doing just well enough in that area without any input from me. I do want to point out that the divisions between the “groups” perpetuated by the media and our federal government (Obama, Boehner, Reid and Pelosi) have been and continue to be successful. The point I want to make is that Liberty is not about one person or group. It is about God’s natural laws and who has the Sacred honor to stand up in His name and fight.

David DeGerolamo

Tea party PACs reap money for midterms, but spend little on candidates

When the Tea Party Patriots threw its support last month behind Matt Bevin, the underdog conservative challenger trying to unseat top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell, President Jenny Beth Martin vowed the group would be “putting our money where our mouth is.”

So far, its super PAC has mustered just $56,000 worth of mailers in Kentucky on Bevin’s behalf — less than half the amount it has paid Martin in consulting fees since July.

The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, which blew through nearly $2 million on expenses such as fundraising, polling and consultants in the first three months of this year, is not alone in its meager spending on candidates.

A Washington Post analysis found that some of the top national tea party groups engaged in this year’s midterm elections have put just a tiny fraction of their money directly into boosting the candidates they’ve endorsed.


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10 years ago

Jenny Beth Martin, Neo-con Trotskyite….

10 years ago

seems like a lifetime ago


[…] Is Jenny Beth Martin’s Personal Payday Saving Liberty? […]

10 years ago

what you don’t see is the countless hours 80 to 100+ every week that she puts into helping the grassroots nation wide. Monies that did not go directly to the campaigns of candidates did go in boots on the ground directly on GOTV efforts hitting over 3 to 4k homes a day. This is tremendous effort and first hand grassroots support for the candidate. Your articles not showing that. Or how personal assistance is given to local TP groups daily nation wide. I would suggest you putting your money where your mouth is, and asking to follow Jenny Beth for a full week to see all she actually does, or actually doing a hands on documentary on all this small core group of staff does for the movement nationwide. Your perspective will change dramatically at least you won’t be jumping to “tearing down” parts of the movement. Your writings which just aids the liberals as they salute you for half twisted opinion articles like this.