Is Nothing Sacred?

Jimmy Kimmel has done an excellent job with this remix of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving:

Illegal immigration is one of the top issues of the 2012 election campaign. If the 20 million (or more) illegal aliens are naturalized and allowed to vote, the United States will become a Socialist dictatorship faster than Eric Holder can walk guns into Mexico to overturn the 2nd amendment.

Who is to blame for our porous borders? The Democrat party wants to naturalize illegals to complete their overthrow of the government. The Republican party wants a cheap source of labor to maximize profits. With the U6 unemployment rate currently at 16.2%, it is past time to enforce existing laws to protect American jobs and the future of our republic from Washington, DC.

David DeGerolamo

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Don Pagani
Don Pagani
13 years ago

I know we have many issues facing this country and everybody has what they think is a priority. I “Fully” agree with you that (Both) “Legal & Illegal Immigration”
is our Number #1 issue and the other fall in behind it ! The website (NumbersUSA)
which is entirely dedicated to this issue, clearly shows us “We Must” stop the flow into our country ! I personally would close “ALL” immigration into this country for 5-10 years to start with and then deport the balance of those still here and their families.
I would also amend the 14th Amendment to the Constitution removing the automatic
granting of citizenship to anyone born in this country, “Unless” both parents are “American Citizens” for at least 5-10 years and a bonifide taxpayer with a good SSN#.
It was good enough for my grandparents and it is good enough for everyone else ! Last but not least on this same issue, no one should get a pass to “Not” speaking english as the “Language” of this country. Any business that does not abide by that
should be fined for discrimination against all the other immigrants that came into this country and did it the right way and fully accepted being a American !
Calling a business and hearing Press “1” for english and catering to the Mexicans, sent me off in a rage ! No one allowed my grandparents who were from Sicily the option of speaking their native language when they entered this country
through Ellis Island ! They learned English in night school and knew they “Had” to learn it to be accepted in their new country. They spoke their language only in private, not in public out of “Respect” for others !
I have to end here because quite frankly I am about to blow a artery out of my body in disgust and anger on how we got here and how we continue to put up with this crap !
Don Pagani/