Is Now the Time for a Second Political Party?

I left the GOP nearly two years ago; more properly, the GOP left me. Even before that, despite my own misgivings,  I swallowed the argument that if I didn’t vote for “the Republican” or didn’t vote at all, it was as though I voted for the liberal.  My vote would be ‘wasted’ if I voted Libertarian, for example.  Perhaps you’ve heard the same things and reacted in the same way.  This would all make sense if the Republican Party was true to its claimed aims, 

not beholden to special interests, and was an effective counterpoint to the growth of socialism, depravity and division sweeping the nation.  Sadly, it has not been any of those things;  instead, it has been an enabler of those very things.

They have proven over and over, they are  not worthy of my vote.  Effective today, I will make my vote contingent; i.e., dependent on positive change within the Republican Party. I will only support an individual politician, not the party, that reflects my personal views. Moreover, I will support, as the author below does, any SECOND party that may emerge as a credible alternative to the RepubliCrat or Demmican Party (take your pick).  Elections should reflect CHOICE, and as things are, we don’t have that, except in relatively rare instances and races. The U.S. remains among a handful of nations with only two major parties; thus, only one step removed from one-party control……barely distinguishable from No. Korea, Cuba or China in that respect.  Even Russia has FOUR major political parties, which better gauge and offer more choice, the Russian body politic and the will of the people living there. 

Boehner, AGAIN?  Really?
If you too are fed up with the GOP, please give the following short article a fair reading…..

Is Now the Time for a Second Political Party?

No, my friends, the term “second political party” is not a typo.  It is not an error. It is not a misstatement. The cooperation afforded to that tall, slim fellow who lives in the White House by those who call themselves Republicans can hardly be viewed as the behavior of what one would normally be referred to as the “opposition party.
There are a lot of ordinary citizens who object strongly to the idea of a third political party, but these very same people are also complaining that there is little-to-no difference between today’s Democrats and Republicans.  Perhaps it’s time for these very same conservative voters to recognize (and admit publicly) that our nation is being controlled by what is in fact a single party of elitists who simply exchange their roles every few years to continue their joint efforts to maintain the illusion that we, the common voter, control our own destinies.
Does this situation really illustrate a “workable” political system?  Really?
Even after a massive midterm election victory, incumbent Republicans feel a need to “negotiate” our freedoms away for a chance to sit at the table.  They are dead wrong.  Their job is to strongly denounce the radical leftward shift that the Democrats and White House are insinuating into the everyday life of average Americans.
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Fed up
Fed up
10 years ago

When I lived in NH I went to vote. I had to “declare” myself to be either a repub or a demorat. They said once I got into the booth I could vote for what ever party I wanted to but I had to DECLARE to be a …… Now I wonder who made up that rule? It is easy for the 2 wolves to decide what is for dinner when the sheep doesn’t have a gun in the fight. I don’t see a dimes worth of difference between the two parties. There should be term limits and the politicians should abide by the same laws as the citizens. Until this happens there is only one party and we are not invited to it.