Is Pfizer Using Children As Legal Human Shields To Get Full Authorization For COVID Vaccines?

Is Pfizer Using Children As Legal Human Shields To Get Full Authorization For COVID Vaccines

What the corporate press, Big Pharma, and the federal government are telling us is not true. Contrary to popular belief there is still no FDA approved COVID vaccine available in the United States today. And there are no plans to make one available in the near future. This begs the question, is Pfizer using children as legal human shields to get full authorization for its COVID vaccines?

Though it is hard to believe, it’s 100% true. And this reality hints at an incredible scandal within both Big Pharma and the U.S. Public Health bureaucracy.

On August 23, the FDA granted full approval for a COVID-19 vaccine to Pfizer-BioNtech for a specific product sold under the brand name Comirnaty. This product, Comirnaty, was fully authorized for the “prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older.”

The landmark moment — the “full approval” endorsement from the FDA — was acclaimed by the Biden Administration and quickly leveraged to coerce millions into taking the shots.

But the fully approved version of Comirnaty itself has never made its way into the United States. Moreover, a separate product, considered under emergency use authorization (EUA), is the only “Pfizer shot” available in the United States.

Now, here’s where it all gets very nefarious.

Due to a law passed during the Reagan Administration, the drug makers must first secure full approval for the children’s version of their shot in order to be granted more robust legal liability protection for their vaccines.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which was passed into law in 1986, provides a legal liability shield to drug manufacturers if they receive full authorization for all ages.


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

How many more lies will it take for us to realize they want us dead or in the process of dying? Remember the last line in the sand was supposed to be when they come after the children. They are passing in Washinton state the ability to put you in internment camps as we speak, same thing in NYC. Just say NO as some have stated, that is about as stupid as taking the kill shot.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
2 years ago

To answer that question: No, Pfizer is not . The children’s parents are allowing it.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Noelle

Big pharma is making policy for our country, you will not have a choice pretty soon.

2 years ago

Good discussion

Lisa barrett
Lisa barrett
2 years ago

Why would these murders want this vacine put into us so badly thsy are will to stop you from living

2 years ago

I have already seen on Gab compilations of Pfizer corporate addresses (offices and production facilities). For “peaceful protesting” purposes, of course.

Now understand… I’m not a military vet (regret). I’m certainly not a dark ops kind of guy (might have been an interesting career choice). But if I -- Joe Nobody -- can see mining LinkedIn and other public sources for names & addresses of pharma company employees for local-area accountability lists, (HT to @WRSA), then others with that experience can as well. And IMHO doubtless have already.

If the great die-off does hit our children, all the legal liability protection in the world will not prevent individual action by mourning parents.

Now, I do not advocate this. I will weep if this comes about. But at the same time, I certainly will not shed tears for those who knew and at best did nothing, or worse actively defended their employer, or should have known…

Heaven help us all. Time is getting close to finding our steel within ourselves.

Alas, the avalanche is indeed coming: