If you don't understand why a GOP House majority would try to turn power over to a coalition government run by Democrats, then you don't understand the GOP.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) October 19, 2023
The GOP wants Biden to defeat Trump in 2024 in order to stay in power.
You know it's true.
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- Randolph Scott on LBJ Assassinated Kennedy?
there is no Left/Right anymore, just Us/Them, so yes
Biden et al are not finished burying America yet.
correct, we tried and failed as usual
We have Junkies in DC…whores hooked on money, sex with children and never-ending bribes from China, Soros and Israel. The more people I talk to…the more people are Pissed Off about the fate of everyday life. Can this be far away?