Is the Worst Market Crash in History Just Weeks Away? – Aaron Brickman Interview

h/t Gary

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2 years ago

Aaron Brickman is Michael Burry smart, i hope he is not as correct

2 years ago

As of today’s date, he has been spot on. If there is a continued down day on Monday, and then a big rally on Tuesday, he says it is all downhill after that.

2 years ago

“Our” government with assistance of the UN/WEF are intentionally collapsing the economy, while we are busy fending off “the solution” of a Central Bank Digital Currency a communist revolution is planned to take place here in the US.

We will be facing a polygonal battle space from every direction in which we must defend. Maintain situational awareness, never believe the mainstream narrative.

This is direct spiritual warfare for all the marbles.


Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

2 years ago

DJIA closed at -630.15 today.
Is it official; are we in a depression, yet?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The gubmint is an expert at fudging numbers. Most are unaware of how they achieve their unemployment stats. In 2019 the workforce was 165 million. This is the number of eligible workers. About 5 million were teens. About 9 million were older than 65. Starting to get the picture? What type of jobs do you think the vast majority of these folks were?
College students are not in the workforce. However, about 5 million graduate each year. They become part of the workforce. How many get jobs in their field? How many take any job out of desperation?
If your unemployment runs out, you are no longer counted in the workforce. Therefore the unemployment stat does not change. The unemployment stats provided by the gubmint is not an indicator of economic activity. No politician looking forward to the next election would allow that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marcus

As one that lived through the Volker recession of the 70’s where the sad joke was what brand of cat food tastes the best…
We’re not quite there but you can see it from here.

As an amateur historian however when the British pound lost its world currency status the living conditions for the average Joe in England dropped over 50% as prices doubled+ and scarcity abounded. The British went from having a Empire and Navy that spanned the world to three frigates they barely keep going on deployment constantly and their Flagship the Queen Elizabeth Aircraft carrier that has only an American Marine Fighter squadron as it’s airwing.

And we can see that kicking the create more digital dollars can down the road seems to have run out of road.

The Wimpy “I’ll gladly pay you for a hamburger on Tuesday for a hamburger today” gig is nearly done.

Worth reading Isiaha chapter 3 to see what “Leadership” God allows when that nation is under Gods judgement.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

What Would C. S. Lewis Say? – One America News Network What helped get us here? The science.

2 years ago

Here is a quick summation of the predictions of Aaron Brickman. He uses running the bases in a ball game a a metaphor. 

1st Base: markets dropping from 8/16 high to June lows by 9/23 -- CHECK

2nd Base: Strong rally into 10/5 (Yom Kippur) -- CHECK -- (10/3 & 10/4 were big rally days; 10/5 started a slide down)

3rd Base: A DOW drop back to 28725 by 10/10, Monday -- (DOW closed at 29,296 (editorial correction) on Fri, 10/7) 
Note: If Monday, 10/10 goes to 28725, and there is an ~800pt rally on Tue 10/11, this prediction will also be true.

If, the events happen above, there will be a market drop every day from 10/12 thru 10/21. 
He says the math says it will be like, or more likely, worse than the 1929 crash. 

Here is a time stamp link to the above video where he discuss this in detail and how he came to these conclusions.

Last edited 2 years ago by brewer55
A person
A person
2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55

Well now what

2 years ago
Reply to  A person

Patience Grasshopper. Almost there.