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- Doug grows potatoes on Children Running the Government
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Children Running the Government
- ***VII on Voting Consequences
- Roth Harbard on Why Does Trump Want Greenland and Canada?
- kal kal on Another Democrat Fedsurrection on January 20th?
I don’t have a problem with what you are saying; and I have always accepted the consequences for my actions. Here I am a few months away from 82 with physical limitations and still wondering why the shooting hasn’t started. But it’s like I said before -- you have to have an objective; and it’s not a one man operation. Survival is a short term dream. Taking one or two with you when the door breaks in the middle of the night is possibly optimistic. But, I’m willing to try. Then there are the inevitable confrontations we will run into in public -- and how will we react then? I don’t have a problem with civil (make that uncivil) war. It will be doomed to failure; but what the hell. At least we did something instead of waiting for the next shoe to fall. I think the vast majority are in wait and see mode looking for the right trigger moment. Unfortunately the waiting makes one drowsy; and next thing you know it’s a new day and you don’t recognize anything. Like Rip Van Winkle.
Damn man… You must be my long lost dad! I feel your pain…not getting any younger here either, they will continue to push narrative by controlling WHICH NEWS “they” let get out. For all we know, they already have had things happen and covered them up w/BS (like TN rv bomb, dead Bush s.s. agent, souz canal etc). I have my thoughts on some of these for sure.
They will not let a “copycat” start, from news they release! NO WAY! They will hide it quickly, unless that’s not possible…idk though, seems they’ve been able to as needed so far. Or we just have little courage left in “American’s”…and that I refuse to believe!
good post mr. Hnatko I don’t know what will happen. It doesn’t look good. all we can do is our best with courage.
The SUPREME COURT lost all their relevance with the sidestepping of justice they did. They are just another embarrassment to the USA along with all the other bullshit politicians and bureaucrats. And the self importance they like to spew onto legal pads ain’t worth the piss colored paper they’re printed on. To hell with them and their decisions. They chose a non existent president because they didn’t want war. But, they ain’t gonna avoid that war. All they did was push it down the road a bit, and they made sure its gonna be alot more violent. And all the white shirts, ties and bullshit non-opinions in the world aren’t gonna stop it.
I have no faith in the Supreme Court anymore. Roberts is screwed because of his trips to Epstein island ! I don’t know about Barrett , really, the only one I have any faith in is Clarence Thomas !!!!
This reminds me of the book Indian Country by Kurt Shclichter. Red states vs blue states and the shootout that ensues. I highly recommend this book.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana-1905).We are being distracted from the fact that we are, again, in a dispute over states rights vs. federal powers.The physical preparations that are being made are secondary to the mental and emotional preparations as well as the educational aspects that will be required to win this battle.
No one Knows -- this is in GODS hands only a fool would believe they need they can see the whole field -- The Germans had it all going in WWII and they saw it fall apart after persecution of the Jews began — God makes things happen in his time/ way -man can not understand -- if your betting against America your betting against God --God has other plans -- look for a great spiritual awaking, one that you will remember for the rest of your life -- it won’t be pretty we have a lot to atone for, but we will be much better for it — Without the 2020 election fraud we wouldn’t know how evil these people are and how many are involved -Half the game is knowing your enemy- We are back and the majority, pressing on every front --Black, White, Asian Brown and we are one people again -- F the media lies — and the sooner we decide we can’t go back to any normal life until we correct all injustice and adopt a new normal that includes God, then fight for everything -- Pray for Justice and we will be fighting for real soon —
Amen and thanks for reminding us with words of encouragement.